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Where AI Algorithms Are Used Marketing

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Artificial Intelligence

Successful marketers know they must take risks with their strategies and campaigns to grab more customers and market share.

AI in marketing has been a game-changer and disrupter, threatening the existence of marketers yet they have been quick to embrace it. Nearly two-thirds of marketers are using AI tools.

From customer assistance to content generation, AI is proving more than a fad – it is changing what marketers do and how many are required to perform the function for organizations. Job losses in marketing are a given as AI takes a more prominent role in capturing and analyzing data, creating content, and campaign management.

AI Tools

AI tools include the now ubiquitous AI content generators like the non-profit OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

AI Content Generators

AI content generators are firming up as replacements for human copywriters. ChatGPT is probably the most popular AI writer, and marketers use it to craft blog content, advertisements, social media posts, etc.

Expect to see fewer human roles for content writing in the coming months. In the USA, the median income for a copywriter is $58,918 or $28.33 per hour. It won’t be long before it becomes more challenging for businesses to justify retaining their existing team of copywriters.

Savvy marketers know they have decisions to make – either embrace AI tech to improve or face job loss. Unsurprisingly, the majority have chosen to drive the revolution of change with trial campaigns using AI, so they can remain integral to the marketing solution.

For more information on AI writers and AI-powered tools, see this article. Let’s take a look at the role of AI Algorithms in marketing.

AI Algorithms in Marketing

How are AI Algorithms used in marketing? AI Algorithms are changing how marketers collate, analyze, and report data including:

  • Customer segmentation
  • Personalization
  • Ad targeting
  • Predictive analytics

Customer segmentation

AI algorithms can analyze customer data to group customers based on similar characteristics and behaviors. The segmentation process is faster with AI, so marketers can focus on the higher-value work of engagement, acquisition, and retention.


Personalization enables marketers to create targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate with each customer group. AI algorithms analyze consumer data and behavior to create personalized marketing campaigns, messages, and product recommendations.

Ad targeting

AI algorithms are being used to analyze consumer data to target the right audience with the right message at the right time, increasing the chances of conversion.

Predictive analytics

AI algorithms are being used to analyze historical data to predict future trends and consumer behavior, which can help marketers make informed decisions.

Loss of third-party data

Without third-party data, how will AI assist predictive analytics in marketing?

Third-party data has traditionally been a valuable resource for predictive analytics in marketing. It can provide additional information about consumers that is not available from a company’s own data sources. However, with increasing privacy and data protection concerns, there has been a shift towards using first-party data and alternative data sources to fuel predictive analytics.

Some ways AI can assist predictive analytics in marketing without relying on third-party data include:

  • First party data analysis
  • Social media data
  • Voice of customer (VoC)
  • Other data sources
  • Machine learning
First-Party data analysis

AI algorithms can analyze a company’s data sources, such as website analytics, customer behavior data, and purchase history, to identify patterns and predict future customer behavior.

Social media data

AI can analyze social media data, such as user interactions and engagement, to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Voice of Customer (VoC) data

AI can analyze VoC data, such as customer feedback and reviews, to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior and preferences.

Alternative data sources:

AI can analyze alternative data sources, such as weather data, economic indicators, and news headlines, to identify patterns and make predictions about customer behavior.

Machine learning

Machine learning algorithms can analyze data from multiple sources, including first-party data, social media data, and alternative data sources, to generate predictive models that can inform marketing strategies.

In summary, AI can assist predictive analytics in marketing by analyzing a range of data sources, including first-party data, alternative data sources, and social media data, to identify patterns and make predictions about customer behavior and preferences.

Final Thoughts

The future of AI in marketing looks promising, as AI will continue to become more sophisticated and capable of handling complex tasks.

AI-powered tools will become more widely adopted, allowing businesses of all sizes to leverage the power of AI for their marketing efforts.

Organizations using marketing platforms like HubSpot and Neil Patel are using AI-powered tools. Both providers have an AI writer, aka content assist tool and and HubSpot as similar to having a marketing assistant on your team.

AI Algorithms will also help marketers better understand consumer behavior and preferences, leading to more effective marketing strategies and improved customer experiences. However, as with any technology, there are potential ethical concerns and challenges to be addressed as AI becomes more prevalent in marketing.

Interesting times are ahead for marketers, and we will be researching and contributing articles on the topic as there are developments.
