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Key Traits Of Successful Business Blogs

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Business blogs have evolved significantly to keep up with changing audience preferences and technological advancements.

In today’s digital age, having a blog is still essential for any business. A well-crafted business blog can help to establish your brand’s voice, build relationships with customers and prospects, and even drive more leads and sales.

But what makes an engaging business blog? Let’s look at how business blogs have changed to improve their relevancy with audiences with so many choices.

More Visual Content

In the early days of business blogging, most posts consisted mainly of text and lacked many colors. Boring? Yes, black text on a white background is not visually stimulating.

Today, successful blog posts are more likely to include visual content such as images, videos, infographics, and charts to make the content more engaging and easier to understand.

Interactive content

Businesses now incorporate more interactive content into their blogs, such as quizzes, polls, and surveys. This content encourages engagement and can help businesses better understand their audience. However, moving away from simple text to include visual and interactive content types increases the page size.

Watch Your Page Load Time

Today users need near-instantaneous page loading to hang around long enough to see something they like. Business blogs must work harder to keep visitors who will exit your site if your blog post takes longer than a couple of seconds to load. Harsh, but there is less emotion involved, if any, from visitors to business sites.

Users may wait longer for content on topics that are more meaningful to them. For example, visitors are more likely to hang around for a page to load on a site that has been suggested by a follower on social media or recommended by a friend.

However, most business blogs can not afford to ignore page load time. Including visual content in blog posts is no excuse for a slow-loading page; it must load as fast as your text-only blog posts.

Is improving page load speed easy to do?

No, it’s challenging and, at times, frustrating. Your SEO actions today may bear fruit, but there’s no guarantee they will not work next week, a month, or a year from now.

Page load time is a key trait of successful business blogs and an important factor in website performance and user experience. It affects how quickly users can access your content and how satisfied they are with their experience on your site.

How To Improve Loading Time

Improving page load time can help you improve conversions, reduce bounce rates, and increase user engagement. There are several ways to improve page load time, including the following:

  • Optimizing images
  • Minifying code
  • Caching resources
  • Optimizing database queries
  • Leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs)

By implementing these strategies, you are doing as much as you can to improve how quickly your website loads. There are other actions you may need to do, too, including changing your theme template and reviewing your hosting plan so your site works for all users.

BusinessBlogs Tip

Engage an SEO expert to work on your site’s core web vitals. Avoid going it alone, as it’s easy to lose hours in a day and achieve little to show for it. We know from our own personal experience!

Mobile-First Design

Never underestimate the importance of a mobile-friendly design. With more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, visitors need business blogs to be mobile-friendly. Blogs are now designed to be responsive to different screen sizes and to load quickly on mobile devices.

Remember, your site is competing for attention with mobile users’ mobile apps. People spend more time on mobile apps than they do on web browsers when they are using their mobile devices.


If your page jumps around and this is called cumulative layout shift (or CLS), it degrades the user experience. CLS is also about page speed and how the content loads at varying speeds, causing the jumping effect. If you were wondering if it is part of Google’s core web vitals – you’re right. It is, and your SEO expert can work on it for you.

Successful business blogs deliver an engaging user experience on mobile.


To increase engagement, businesses now create more personalized content that resonates with their target audience. This includes content tailored to specific interests and needs, as well as content that uses the language and tone of the audience. Therefore, its delivery is more informal and may include jargon only users understand.

Conversational style

In the past, business blogs were often written in a formal and impersonal tone. Many businesses adopt a more conversational style to better connect with their readers.

Storytelling, for example, is a conversational style of writing which successful marketers, advertisers, and business bloggers use as often as they can to hook their audiences and improve conversion rates.

Third-Party Promotion

Businesses now integrate their blogs with social media platforms to reach a wider audience and increase engagement. This includes promoting blog posts on social media, allowing readers to share content, and using social media to engage with readers. Some business blogs use push notifications and emails to alert interested parties when they have updated or new content.

Summing Up

Business blogs have become more engaging and interactive to meet their audiences’ evolving needs and preferences.

A business blog is an effective way to communicate with your audience and build relationships. It provides a platform to share your knowledge and expertise and engage with potential customers. However, creating an engaging business blog can be challenging.

The key traits of successful business blogs are capturing readers’ attention and driving conversions.  For your blog to improve, there are several factors to work on, such as content format, topics, visuals, and SEO optimization.  Finally, if you want to take a leaf out of our playbook, focus on the content, and let SEO experts focus on your site optimization.
