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Small Business Ideas For The New Economy

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cat toy

Small businesses are often overlooked when looking for new opportunities, but there are many reasons why they’re so important. In today’s economy, small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They create jobs, provide services, and support local communities. But what if we told you there was an easy way to start a small business?

This business blog article presents small business ideas for anyone looking to start their own business or expand their current one. Remember to keep an open mind with some side hustle and startup ideas. 🙂

Start a Pet business

Are you keen to start a pet business from home with no money or experience?

When you think of starting a pet business, you probably think of long hours, high stress, and lots of money. But that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, you can start a pet business from home with a tiny budget.

You only need a little time, research, hard work, and the right mindset. You can build a pet business that fits your unique situation and needs. You can do your small business into a profitable venture that you can be proud of.

Pet Services

When you love animals, there are many opportunities to make money from pet services, including:

  • House sitting pets
  • Dog walking
  • Dog grooming
  • Dog training

Animal accessories and toys

Or if you are creative and love using your design and build skills come up with products that animals will love. Dogs will chase and fetch almost anything, so the sky is the limit for creating dog-fetch toys. Cats love to chase small animals, like mice. Creating a small animal toy on a string where you pull the toy, and a cat chases it is a winner every time. There are many ways to use your artistic and visionary talent.

Reuse, Recycle

dog toy

Are you wondering how you can afford the materials for creating animal toys and accessories? What if we told you money is not needed or at least very little to make some of your products? Think reuse, and recycle. Many items are no longer needed in your home and the homes of your neighbors, family, and friends. How many items of clothing do you think would be given to you if you asked for their pre-loved but no longer worn pieces?

Probably more than you will initially know what to do with. And this is just the beginning as garages and sheds will also have old toys, sports, and outdoor gear you can put to good use as animal toys. For example, old cycle tires will come in handy to make throw-and-fetch or tug-of-war toys for dogs.

In-home Child Care

If animals are not your thing, but children are, then apply the same strategy as the pet business to provide services or products. Do you remember when you were young, and the cardboard box your present came in was more exciting than the present? Well, here’s an idea! Consider toys that really interest young children. They don’t need to last a lifetime but provide a lot of fun for a short while.

Create NFTs

Maybe you’d prefer a business you can run from your smartphone and computer? Creating and selling NFTs is the latest trend. An NFT is a non-fungible token which is a file that becomes a unique digital asset. There are many explanations for NFTs; this one on Verge is succinct.

NFTs can really be anything digital (such as drawings, music, your brain downloaded and turned into an AI), but a lot of the current excitement is around using the tech to sell digital art.

The Verge

Use free design products to create digital art and sell it on sites like OpenSea or in the metaverse like The Sandbox. Here is our article on NFTs and making money in The Metaverse

Sell Products on Amazon

If you sell products online, then you should consider selling them through This is one of the largest eCommerce sites in the world, with millions of customers who shop every day. You can use Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program to make it easy for customers to buy your products.

The first reason why small businesses are so important is that they create jobs. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, small businesses employ more than half of private sector employees. That’s compared to large companies which employ less than one-third (32%).

Final Thoughts

If you’re thinking about starting your own business but don’t know where to begin, we hope this article is useful. There are probably hundreds of ideas for side hustles and startups that you can pursue without investing a lot of money upfront. We aim to just mention the business ideas that get you started without worrying about your small budget. Plus, did you know BusinessBlogs has many articles on how to get sales with low-cost marketing campaigns? Keep scrolling to read our ‘you may like’ section.

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