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3 Ways Your Business Can Keep Up With Conversations

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businesses keeping track of conversations

Keeping up with conversations about your business is vital to ensure customers are satisfied.

Conversations include complaints, sales inquiries, feedback, and general comments on posts.

Knowing what consumers are saying about your brand is essential. As a business owner, manager, or general worker, you can craft prompt responses to improve engagement, sharing, customer acquisition, and brand reputation.

However, attempting to manage all conversations online manually will take you away from your other priorities. While social media has made it easier to connect with consumers, it can be challenging to cut through the noise and identify relevant information.

How can you best monitor what’s being said about your business and evaluate how people feel about your brand? Let’s find out.

We’ve put together a guide with three top tips to help you set up a system that ensures your brand is:

  • Responding promptly
  • Being authentic and transparent
  • Engaging
  • Making the most of sales opportunities

1. Use Social Listening Tools

The most effective way of keeping up with conversations about your business is by using a social listening platform. These tools will scan social media posts, comments, and conversations using AI-powered technology, flagging content that specifically mentions your business.

With this data, you can get a handy overview of who is talking about your company, where these conversations occur, and what is being said. This can offer you numerous benefits. It can allow you to further develop your customer profiles, implement location-specific targeting campaigns, and optimize reputation management strategies.

2. Read Customer Reviews

When customers buy one of your products or use your services, they are often prompted to leave a review. These reviews are then displayed on your social media profile; sometimes, they appear whether you want them to.

Reviews are everything today. These may seem inconsequential or sometimes annoying, but they offer businesses a fantastic opportunity to learn how customers react to their business.

Reviews enable your customer service, sales, and marketing teams to assess customer sentiment and gauge opinion.

Good reviews

Good reviews can give you a sense of what you’re getting right, and you can use the information presented in these reviews in your marketing to convince new customers to buy from your business.

Plus, people on social media will refer your business to their social media followers when they have read a good review, even if they personally are not yet your client. This is free marketing which is priceless.

Referrals are the best marketing strategy your business can get, and they achieve much higher conversion rates than your paid campaigns. Prioritise time to read and take action with all good and bad reviews.

Bad reviews

However, if that can be believed, bad reviews can be even more valuable than good ones. When you learn where your business is falling short, it’s information you can use to improve the product or service.

Poor reviews will empower your business to get better results, boost sales, and improve your company’s reputation in the eyes of consumers.

3. Conduct Surveys

While it can be challenging to get participation in surveys – your business can incentivize its target audience.

Waiting for a review or listening to conversations may not provide exactly what your business needs to know to make improvements that convert.

Surveys can be used to evaluate particular areas of your business, such as a recent product launch or marketing campaign, or to gauge the feeling of your business in general, with questions regarding how customers see your business and where they think it could be improved.

For service businesses, customers can be asked to complete a quick survey on their experience. This immediacy gets the highest rate of participation. For more generalistic campaigns, you will need to encourage people to spend their time completing your survey. A giveaway or discount on the next purchase can be all the encouragement needed to get a better response rate.

However, you want to ensure the information survey participants provide is usual data. Make sure you ask relevant questions and provide multi-choice answers. Surveys can be hit and miss, so take your time honing the questions and answer options.

Final Thoughts

Keeping up with the conversations surrounding your business can be a challenging task. However, when you have systems working for you – including automation and AI your business will get more of the data you need to improve its products, service, sales, and reputation.

Therefore, ensure you use social listening tools to analyze social media content, read customer reviews to identify potential problems in your business and use customer surveys to gain more detailed insights about customer opinion.


