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An API Guide For App Users

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Apps and systems and APIs

Ask most people what they know about APIs, and their reply will be they’ve never heard of it.  If this sounds familiar, this article is for you.  It’s a layperson’s guide on APIs, including what they are, where they are found, and some pros and cons.  Plus, there’s a mention of alternatives and how you can ensure your business app’s API is not a soft target for hackers.

API Basics

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are coded by developers and used in apps and systems to share and exchange customer data.

There are open and public APIs and closed and private APIs. Open and public are readily accessible by anyone, whereas closed and remote are not. They are user and access protected by security and authentication measures.

Let’s look at why APIs are used by 90% of developers today.

APIs In Systems and Apps

As a consumer, you want to know the basics of APIs and where they are used. APIs allow different software systems to communicate and interact with each other, enabling the exchange of data and functionality. They provide a standard way for applications to access and use the services, features, or data of different systems, platforms, or services.

APIs enable integration, interoperability, and collaboration between various technologies. Developers can leverage existing services and functionality without building everything from scratch.

With less API development time, developers can focus on App modularity and innovation, building unique and value-added features while relying on APIs for underlying services.

Examples of APIs In Use

Most consumers use systems and apps that use APIs without knowing it. For example, shopping online, most eCommerce sites use third-party payment gateways that use secure APIs to process online payments securely.

Payment Gateways

Have you paid for your online shopping with Paypal, Braintree, Square, or Stripe? You probably have, even if you’ve not really taken much notice of the system enabling the payment process.

You’ll use a secure API payment gateway if you pay by credit card on reputable shopping sites. Subscription services are another industry that heavily relies on payment gateways to manage transactions and subscriptions seamlessly.

Messaging Apps

Are you using WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, or Telegram? There are many messaging apps that most businesses use, including LinkedIn and Google has one too. Sending text messages, videos, sharing images, making voice calls. These apps use APIs for the delivery of messages.

Social Media

Have you wondered how your posts end up on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks? Plus, it’s no miracle signing into one network using your login credentials for another, for example, using your Facebook login to sign into Instagram.

Google account login is used ubiquitously to sign into many apps and systems, including LinkedIn.

Music and Media

Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, and more stream music and search libraries using APIs. In fact, all content apps use APIs.

Travel and Booking

One of the most significant users of APIs is the travel industry. Expedia,, your favorite airline, activities, or accommodation aggregator app, uses APIs to ensure search and actual bookings.

Maps and Weather

Who doesn’t use Google Maps or another Map app to find their way around – hands-free while driving?

APIs provide access to mapping data, geolocation services, driving directions, and other location-based features that enhance the functionality of apps like ride-sharing services, food delivery apps, or travel planners.

If you’re like us, you may be obsessed with the weather. What will the weather be like in the next hour, tomorrow, next week? A fantastic app for keeping up with the weather no matter where you are or where your interest lies is is a collaboration between the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) and the Meteorological Institute (MET). also relies on collaborators – and uses APIs to deliver accurate readings anywhere worldwide.

API Alternatives

Are there Alternatives To APIs?

Decentralized Protocols

Some API alternatives, such as Web 3.0 technologies, are emerging, including using decentralized protocols, such as blockchain, to enable peer-to-peer interactions without relying on centralized APIs. These protocols aim to provide secure and trustless communication channels between different entities, enabling direct data sharing and transactions.

WebAssembly and GraphicQL

WebAssembly allows running high-performance code directly in the browser, opening up new possibilities for web applications.

GraphQL, on the other hand, provides a query language and runtime for APIs, enabling clients to request precisely the data they need, reducing the overhead associated with traditional REST APIs.

However, API is the leader by a long way. With the increasing prevalence of cloud computing, mobile applications, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and other emerging technologies,

APIs have become even more critical. They facilitate seamless connectivity between different devices, platforms, and services, allowing them to work together harmoniously.

Pros and Cons of APIs

Like any technology, APIs have pros and cons, and the security of an API depends on various factors.


Enhanced use experience

Developers can access third-party services, such as payment gateways or social media platforms, integrating them via APIs to enhance the user experience and provide additional functionality.


Once developed, an API can be used for many applications, saving development time.

Interoperability and integration

APIs allow different systems and apps to communicate and share data. Other software components can be integrated to improve efficiency and productivity

Modular and scalable

Details can be developed and maintained independently.


There are some challenging cons to using APIs, including the following:

Using third parties

Your app is reliant on the third-party API. Therefore if there are issues with API, the third party needs to fix them, and in the meantime, your app is negatively impacted by its poor performance.

Newer versions

Compatibility with new versions of APIs may break your app. Developers, therefore, must manage to performance and ensure compatibility between different versions of APIs.

Security risks

Like all technology, APIs are not with security risks, including cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Common risks include:

  • Unauthorized access
  • Data breaches
  • Injection attacks
  • Insufficient authentication or authorization mechanisms

As a business with your own app, you must ensure the security of the APIs that share sensitive customer data. We have many articles on cybersecurity, including a backup recovery plan and PCI compliance for credit card data.

Developers and IT security experts need to ensure the following security measures for APIs:

  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Encryption- HTTPS (TLS/SSL) to encrypt data in transit
  • Input Validation, e.g., SQL injection, XSS
  • Rate Limiting and Throttling
  • Audit Logs and Monitoring
  • Secure Development Practices, e.g., penetration testing, to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in the API implementation.

Summing Up

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are essential components in modern apps and systems that allow them to communicate and share data. While many people may not be familiar with APIs, they play a crucial role in the functionality and integration of various software applications.

There are two types of APIs: open and public and closed and private. Open and public APIs are accessible to anyone, while secure and confidential APIs have restricted access and require security measures for authentication.

As a non-technical user, you may wonder why APIs are essential to understand. In this article, we explored the advantages and disadvantages of using APIs and how to ensure their security. Plus, the prevalence of APIs and their significance in the future of technology.
