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7 Questions To Ask An Outsourcing IT Company

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This article covers seven questions you should ask before outsourcing to a third-party software house or IT services provider.

Being thorough with your due diligence before choosing an outsourcing partner will improve your project’s success rate. Did you know your choice of software house or IT services provider is fundamental to the success of your IT projects?

According to the Standish Group’s CHAOS 2020 report, which analyzed 50,000 IT projects worldwide, 66% failed partially or entirely.

Read on to learn what questions you can ask IT outsourcing firms.

Seven Questions

The following questions focus less on the price and terms of the contract. However, they will assist you when choosing a new software house or IT provider, including:

  • Availability
  • Industry Experience
  • Offshore Experience
  • HR Management
  • Client references
  • Project Methodology
  • USPs (Unique Selling Points)


1. When can you start working on my project?

For IT projects, timing is often a crucial factor. The speed with which a partner can assemble a team of specialists and begin work on your application is vital. Ask this question to ensure your IT service provider is ready to act promptly.

Industry Experience

2. Do you have experience with IT development projects for companies in my industry?

Ask prospective third-party providers about their most significant projects in your industry.

Offshore Experience

3. Are you experienced in working with international clients?

If you are considering an international collaboration, determine whether your partner has experience working with clients from different cultures and time zones. Knowing if the partner can adapt to the requirements and needs of customers from other regions is critical.

HR Management

4. In case of an absence of team members, what is the contingency plan?

Keeping a plan in place in case team members are absent or ill is necessary. Ask what procedures the IT partner has in place for such situations. Ask whether they have contingency plans ready to prevent delays in the project.

Your partner must hire IT consultants with the right skills and experience.

Ask how specialists are selected for projects and whether the partner can provide portfolios, resumes, or GitHub of specific individuals before choosing them.

ISO 22301

Check whether the company you’re talking to meets ISO 22301 standards. This document outlines the requirements for a management system to prevent disruptive incidents. Its intention is to reduce the likelihood of them occurring and give you peace of mind that your project will not suffer if they do occur.

Client References

5. Can you provide references from clients in my field?

Verifying references will help you build trust in your partner and confidence that they have the right skills and experience in your industry. This will result in better collaboration and, ultimately, project success.

Project Management Methodology

6. What IT project management methodology do you use?

The success of a project depends on effective project management. There are a few commonly used project management methodologies, including:

  • Agile
  • Waterfall
  • Six Sigma

Project management methodologies provide the framework for defining procedures, regular progress reports, quality control systems, and tracking milestones and outcomes. Look for an IT provider with staff that have obtained project management certifications.


7. What is the uniqueness and added value of your service?

If you’re struggling to differentiate providers, finding out what they believe makes their offering and business stand out from their competition may help you choose between them. Is it their commitment to the following areas:

  • Customer service
  • Security
  • Innovation
  • Research and development
  • Sustainability

It’s worth asking these questions to make a wise IT partner choice!

A careful outsourcing IT company selection process can contribute to long-term benefits and ensure your project’s safe and timely implementation. If you are seeking a technology partner that will meet your expectations and support you in developing a system or application, one option is the Solwit team.

Security and Compliance

IT outsourcing often involves sharing sensitive information, so ensure the provider has robust security measures in place and complies with relevant data protection regulations. Therefore when assessing an IT outsourcing provider make sure they have robust security and compliance measures in place to ensure the protection of their clients’ data, systems, and operations including the following:

  • Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  • Data Privacy Compliance – adhering to data protection regulations like GDPR and local data privacy laws
  • Data Encryption
  • Access Controls – to limit data access to authorized personnel only
  • Network Security
  • Security Audits and Penetration Testing – to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the IT infrastructure
  • Compliance Reporting – providing clients with regular compliance reports
  • Physical Security – appropriate physical security measures to protect data centers and critical infrastructure

By having these security and compliance measures in place, an IT outsourcing provider can demonstrate their commitment to protecting their clients’ assets, data, and operations, thereby establishing trust and confidence in their services.
