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Leveraging Customers Smartphones to Grow Your Business

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Did you know half the world’s population now uses smartphones? Additionally, we’re all spending more time on them.

A recent study of iPhone users found most were unaware of their daily smartphone usage and that it was increasing. It’s not just iPhone users either; 46% of users spend five to seven hours per day on their phones.

As a marketer, paying attention to customers’ mobile journeys is another channel to reach new audiences. If your business is yet to leverage customer usage of smartphones to grow your business – the time to start is now!

Let’s look at what assets and services are needed to get more marketing reach via customer mobiles.

Create A Mobile-Friendly Site

You have a website – but is it mobile-first? You can help visitors, and customers convert with a mobile-friendly site.

Your analytics will reveal a lower bounce rate and longer session times when your site is designed and optimized for users on all standard mobile devices. More time spent online increases conversion – i.e., sales.

Did you know sixty-seven percent of mobile users report that they’re more likely to make a purchase when browsing a mobile-friendly website?

Make that possible by prioritizing easy navigation so they can view your products and find what they’re looking for easily. Users don’t also like being confused when they visit a site. Thus, ensure to build yours with a responsive design.

Make Your Content Mobile-Friendly


However, having a mobile-first responsive design isn’t enough for your website. Google loves quality content, so your site must also create relevant, unique content. Please make sure all content loads fast and reads well on mobile devices for your mobile users.

You may not know that people read differently on desktops and their phones. According to one study, they slow down when reading complex texts on mobile. This can disengage your visitors and cause them to leave your site sooner.

Craft a compelling headline and easy-to-digest content if you want to capture their attention and keep them longer on your site. Simplify the core of your message as much as possible.

Here are some tips to make your content mobile-friendly:

  • Use short paragraphs, preferably not more than five lines
  • Use bullet points and subheadings
  • Use white space to highlight important points and motivate reading
  • Add visual appeal to your content

Another tip is to ensure your fonts display well on mobile and have adequate line spacing.

Send Personalized Text Messages

Smartphones are ever-present, and as such, there is now such a thing as NOMOPHOBIA.  This is anxiety from being separated from the mobile or lacking connectivity.

A smartphone really is an extension of its user. It goes everywhere, so it’s believable that text messages are read within the first three seconds. Thus, SMS marketing remains one of the most powerful channels for marketing.

Your business can use it too, sending personalized messages – however, you get a higher conversion rate when you craft your messages to users’ needs.

All marketing campaigns suffer from low clicks. Promos, campaigns, and often informational messages go unread. To get significantly higher engagement, you can personalize your texts by doing the following:


Use a salutation like Hi, Hello, Dear, and then the customer’s first name. If you’re wondering how to get the first name. When your website visitors sign up for your newsletter or blog posts, ask for it. Conduct a survey, quiz, or game and give access to users who have shared their email addresses and first name.

Delivery Time

Send messages during work hours to respect your customer’s privacy.

Content Style

Make your message relevant and conversational and offers value.

Call To Action

Include links that will direct the customer to your site and specific pages that convert. Offer freebies and discounts to get better responses.

Offer Omnichannel Customer Service

Every customer wants a seamless and integrated experience across touchpoints. They would like to get in touch with your business whenever and wherever they want. If they’re using smartphones, your customer support must be able to help them on the same channel. The same applies when they’re using a different platform.

Remember that people always prefer speedy resolutions. They want convenience and consistency in every touchpoint.

Offering omnichannel customer service can help you achieve that. You can facilitate faster response times by meeting customers’ preferred channels. For example, if they want to interact with their smartphones, create mobile-friendly customer service.

Invest In a Mobile App

Getting a dedicated mobile app for your business is an excellent way to build real-time connections with existing and future customers.

Besides promoting your brand with fresh content and compelling features, you can also learn more about your consumers based through the app.

This can help you to continually improve your product and services. Since mobile apps are also easily accessible by customers, it’s more convenient for them to purchase and interact with your brand.

Your users can check your locations, store hours, available products, and any information you want them to know. It will serve as a direct pipeline to your target market.

Investing in a mobile app will surely enhance your customer’s experience and give your business a competitive advantage. However, before deciding on this venture, make sure you have a development strategy and the budget to develop and maintain the app.

Final Thoughts

Mobile technology like smartphones is a great way to expand your business. It provides better opportunities to keep in touch with customers and grow your sales. This may, however, involve upgrading your marketing plan with mobile solutions. So make sure that you’re equipped enough to implement this significant change.
