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Marketers Tips: Going Down The Rabbit Hole Marketing

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down the rabbit hole marketing

Is your current marketing strategy focused on ‘going down the rabbit hole’ to delve deeper into your customer base?

If not, this article is for you as we look at how you can tailor your campaigns to gain insight into customer preferences and buying journeys. In this article, we also look at how the psychology of the brain fits into marketing today and why it’s time to think before you act.

Fools Rush In

An old adage reminds us to take a breather before executing even the best-laid-out plans from a business viewpoint. We all know the saying:

“Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.”
Pope Alexander 1711

Yet, marketers today appear to be in a race against time to please their clients without deep thought into how they will add natural, lasting value. Competition for marketing services is coming from everywhere, including web development companies, SEO specialists, and traditional ad firms, so the supply of marketers is outstripping the demand for the service.

For example, many traditional advertising and PR firms have morphed their repertoire to include digital marketing and its variants like blog content submissions and SMM to survive the death of advertising. Their clients, however, have not been so quick to adapt, and their mindset is they want instant results similar to what they’re used to from transactional advertising campaigns like TV and radio advertising.

Plus, some online marketing types are hard to grasp for businesses used to spending a dollar to earn three dollars within a concise time frame. For example, a question often asked is: what is the point of content marketing if it does not result in sales?

Content and Customers

With many online marketing strategies, it is hard to show a direct correlation between the campaign and an actual sale and article submissions to blogs. This is an example of an overall strategy prevalent. Yet, it has many customers wondering what’s the point of it.

However, your explanation could be as simple as this, all websites need organic traffic and referral traffic, i.e., visitors coming to your client’s site from another site.

Visitors referred to a site are likelier to stay on it longer and share personal data like an email address than if they just happened upon it from a keyword search.

Customer Awareness

Therefore, today’s fundamental marketing component is connecting with and sharing information that proves your awareness of customers’ needs. Use strategies like writing and sharing content, e.g., blog posts, whitepapers, ebooks, and social media posting, to gain trust and a deeper understanding of customers’ preferences.

Going Down The Rabbit Hole

Effective sales campaigns can transpire with the correct foundation of personalised customer data. Still, the process starts with delving deeper into understanding customers’ pains, which takes more knowledge of marketing psychology, i.e. going down the rabbit hole. Typically this process can be challenging and, therefore, frustrating at first, as it will provide more questions than answers and need some time before you get the information you need to move forward with your marketing campaigns to deliver sales leads. Therefore, your client’s expectations must align with your own to successfully get through this process.

Commit to learning more about the customer and their triggers and share with your client how it works so they can be part of the buyer’s journey to a sale.

When expert marketers can showcase this process in all its glory, they will secure a more profound commitment from their clients, relieving the pressure valve in needing to perform marketing miracles in unrealistic timeframes.

Psychology Of The Brain In Marketing

Knowing how the brain reacts to influence decisions is the 101 of the psychology of the brain, and expert marketers train to learn as much as they can so they can use it all the time in their data capture and subsequent sales campaigns.

The brain is complex, and it’s a topic fit for a series of articles in its own right. However, to show its relevance in marketing, focusing campaigns to meet primary needs like avoiding danger and eliminating fears or providing security first are core tricks of marketers and advertisers today.

The lizard brain is the first responder to information. Hence, as a marketer, you must get past the ‘gatekeeper’ before the modern brain takes over to digest and reason with the data.


Consumers are firmly in control of their buying journeys, and businesses are delving deeper into understanding more about their customers’ relevant and thriving preferences. Marketers keen to prove their worth need to show their expertise in being part of buyers’ journeys.
