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5 eCommerce Tips Every Online Business Owner Should Know

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Are you looking for ways to boost your eCommerce sales? Perhaps you want to learn more about how to properly set up an eCommerce site. Maybe you want to improve your current eCommerce structure by switching things up.

Whatever the case, there are several aspects of eCommerce that can help you achieve higher revenue.

While online sales might not be your forte, learning and applying new tactics will help you see profitable growth. Soon enough, your eCommerce site will start selling itself.

See below for several eCommerce tips that you can use to propel your online sales forward.

1. Embed Artificial Intelligence

One of the biggest pain points for eCommerce businesses in the past has been the tedious tasks that are required of it.

When done right, eCommerce is all about analyzing measurable data of your online shoppers and implementing new strategies around it.

However, with all the other aspects of your business that you have to worry about, the data might a back seat. Artificial intelligence can help you boost your online sales by reading through data and pushing out the right products to your clients.

For example, embedding artificial intelligence in a, “you might also like” section of your eCommerce site will pay off hugely. The AI will recommend items that are frequently bought together to site users, boosting your revenue with each transaction.

2. Use Social Media to Direct Your Clientele

Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and seen an advertisement for an item that applies to your life? If it drew you in enough, you probably clicked on a link that redirected you to the purchasing page for that specific item.

This is the power that social media can offer your eCommerce business. It cuts out the clutter of your sales pitch, giving your prospects a direct line to the point of sale.

They won’t have to spend precious minutes meandering around your website to find their desired product. Within a few clicks, they can purchase what they need and have the item on its way in no time.

If clients enjoy your product, they’ll be happy to promote your brand on their social media. That brings your eCommerce site more exposure to their connections, many of which share their same interests.

Social media will play an even heavier influence on eCommerce in the future. Read on here for more information on what that looks like.

3. Invest in Your Web Design

Due to online sales, one of the biggest selling points for your product will be the web design centered around that.

Your product might be the most efficient and helpful product on the market, but the client won’t be able to see that online. It will take engaging and enticing web design to hit that mark!

There are two routes you can choose to take on this: First, you can hire a professional web designer to create/edit your eCommerce site. Second, you might decide to take this project on for yourself to save money.

If you hire a professional web designer, you can simply tell them what you’re looking for and they’ll make it happen. You can use drag-and-drop tools like WordPress, Shopify, or Squarespace for help if you go on your own.

4. Place Demonstration Videos for Each Product

As was previously mentioned, your client won’t be able to tell how a product works by looking at a still image online. For that reason, it can be helpful to imbed demonstration videos for each product you sell.

For example, say you sell an electric razor for men. You can place a video showing how to use the different features to achieve the perfect shave every time.

Not only will these videos show off your product, but they’ll also help draw the customer in. Customers love video content. In fact, many of them want to see more video content from the brands that they support.

Your demonstration videos will help the customer envision themselves using your products and show why they need to purchase that item. These videos can also be tremendous tools for selling additional items with the product you’re demonstrating.

5. Prioritize Customer Support

Customer support is everything to an eCommerce business model looking to drive online sales. The eCommerce brands that fail are the ones that don’t tend to their clientele often enough.

Your eCommerce site needs to be equipped with different tools you and your team can use to respond to customer requests in real-time. Integrating an online chat feature can help you, direct customers to the proper products and answer questions.

The quicker you respond to customer complaint emails, comments on social media, and questions on your site, the more customer loyalty you’ll build.

There are 24/7 chat services that you can outsource to provide around-the-clock customer service for your site users. Your brand will build a client-friendly reputation as a result.

Use These eCommerce Tips to Your Advantage

Now that you’ve seen several eCommerce tips that you can use for your online store, it’s time to figure out which ones you can improve on.

If you’re unsure of where to start, try going through your current eCommerce site (if applicable) as a site user would. Make sure to take notes of any changes you need to make to enhance the customer experience.

Be sure to browse our website for more articles on eCommerce, startups, and online business as well as many other helpful topics!
