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3 Types of Video Content Proven to Attract Viewers

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If you’re trying to come up with ideas for video content for your business – why not start with some of the types of videos that have a proven track record of attracting viewers? Some types of videos are clearly more popular than others, and looking at them could help you develop topics that really draw viewers in.

Marketing is about measuring and analysing the statistics as it is about being creative with the campaigns. Therefore review what is working and resonating with your target audience. Often you can still be somewhat in the dark as to what your audience responds to if the content to date has been the same. Therefore, this article will cover three types of content that work well in the video format.

How To Attract Views

Out of the many types of video content out there, three have consistently performed well, and they won’t surprise you as two of the three are the type of content commonly viewed on TV channels. The first type of content is learning manuals or how-to-do videos that save people from reading boring product and appliance guides.

1. How-to guides and tutorials

It isn’t difficult to see why how-to guides and tutorials can attract viewers. Because these videos are structured around guiding people to perform specific actions or solve a particular problem, viewers find them useful and valuable. Plus, they save time and appeal to the most robust sense – sight.

The adage: a picture speaks a thousand words confirms it’s much easier to look at images and understand their meaning than it is to read the text and achieve the same level of appreciation and interpretation.

Try to make sure your tutorial is presented effectively, and keep it short and focused. As far as possible, you should ‘show’ each step being performed in the video, rather than simply leaning on the voiceover to describe it.

Instead of recording live video footage, you could use screen recording or slideshow software< to create the guide itself. For example, if you want to create a slideshow, you could try Movavi Slideshow Maker.

2. Live videos

Since social media platforms started to incorporate live videos into their feeds, its popularity has surged. Not only are live videos able to reach more viewers, but viewers tend to watch them for longer periods of time than conventional videos as well.

Technically there are lots of different types of live videos you could choose to create, ranging from webinars to Q&A sessions, discussions panels, events, behind-the-scenes videos, and more.

Suffice to say, you should find some type of live video content to create that is relevant to the niche you’re in.

3. Expert interviews

One of the most classic types of content, expert interviews have a certain amount of built-in appeal – especially if the subject is well-known. The more viewers feel that the subject of the discussion will be able to provide information, insights, and advice that they can’t get elsewhere – the more interesting the video will be.

Organizing, setting up and recording conventional interviews has always been tricky however, and in some cases can even cost a lot. As such, you may want to consider an alternative that has steadily gained popularity: Use screen recording to capture the interview conducted via a video call.

At the end of the day, regardless of the option you choose, you need to be able to ask the right questions – and follow up. The more the interview flows like a conversation, the more engaging it will be to viewers.

Rest assured, each of these types of videos has a proven track record of attracting viewers and will likely do the same for you. All you need to do is develop ways you can create content around them, and you should have the makings of content that viewers are drawn to.
