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Creating A Business Through Blogging

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Are you dreaming of spending your days working on your blog, earning as much money as you want and finally being able to leave your day job? The truth is blogging for money is possible, but it’s definitely not easy. From learning how to make a blog more popular to putting in more hours to learn everything there is to know about marketing, there’s a lot of work ahead of you. We’ll help you move forward with these tips.

Sell something

A lot of bloggers use their blog as an outlet to catch new customers. You may sell your services or products, and those can be digital products or physical products. You may even sell all three types of products! In this case, your blog is used to attract potential customers and to tell current customers about new offerings. Your content can include how-to videos so that people can learn how to use your product; templates that will help them maximize your services; or e-Books that showcase your expertise in a certain niche.

Build your email list

One of the most common ways to monetize a blog is to attract people with your free content and then sell them products or services once you have their attention. The best way to tell them about those products and services is via email, which means you need to have a list of subscribers who care about what you offer. There are a ton of ways to build your email list, and it’s never too soon to get started.

Give something away

If you’re going to use your blog as a way to get new customers, you should seriously consider giving something away for free first, and not just your daily blog posts. Here’s the path most bloggers take when they want to sell something via their blog:

  • Create a product to sell, like an e-book.
  • Create a free product to giveaway that will lead people to want to buy the e-book.
  • Promote that free product via blog posts, and require a newsletter signup in order to get it.
  • Stay connected with newsletter subscribers and eventually send offers for the paid product you want them to buy.

Produce great content all the time

Your blog needs to be regularly updated with stellar content. Even though you’re going to be taking a lot of time to learn about things like landing pages, social media marketing, and audience research, you absolutely need to be producing great content in a regular basis. Choose a posting schedule, whether that’s twice a day or twice a month, and stick to it no matter what.

Consider affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you blog about a product or service and then the brand you mention pays you for the promotion, usually if a reader moves forward and makes a purchase from them. The best way to do this is to only team up with brands you like – this way, your audience knows they can trust your recommendations. Think about the products or services that are in-line with your industry and useful for your audience. For example, if you blog about productivity, you may want to see if a time tracking app offers an affiliate marketing program.

There are a variety of ways to turn blogging into a business and to earn an income from it, and the ones you choose will be based on the type of blog you run and your audience. Blogging as a career is possible, but it requires hard work, patience and a lot of business savvy.
