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Every Business Needs A Strong Leader

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Jacinda Ardern

Starting a business needs a strong leadership team, and while we’re on the topic of leadership, there really is never a time when a company can get away with any but a great leader at the helm. There is too much at stake to all companies, irrespective of their rank or maturity.

Some areas that take a hit when the business lacks direction led from the top include loss of market share, loss of key staff, and loss of revenue.

So, what are the must-have qualities of a great leader, and if you’re a leader, do you have them? For our answer – read on.

Strong Leader Attributes

There are many critical attributes of successful leaders, too many to list all of them, so here are our top 5, in no particular order of preference.


How important is confidence? We believe it’s in the top five and should be honed and mastered by all management and really everyone.

So what does it mean to have confidence? The word itself is far-reaching. It is:

  • Belief
  • Conviction
  • Trust
  • Without doubt

Confidence in your actions and the abilities of those around you, especially the workers in the business, is a sign of a leader who is at the top of their game.

Communication is a leader’s tool. They use it to pass on a message, not just one time, but regularly to make sure there is belief. They will do it in meetings, conversations, and verbal and written content.

Leaders that stand out use social media, blog posts, interviews, you name it; if there’s a medium available and the opportunity is there, it will be taken because leaders of this ilk know they need to articulate their belief in what the business is doing, and where it’s going, on an ongoing basis.

There is never a time a business owner or manager can let up on this action. The rhetoric flows on even when the business reaches dizzy heights of success.

A company holding the top ranking in its category, e.g. Apple, they don’t let down their guard. They know – in the words of the tennis player Angelique Kerber:

It’s much harder staying at the top, than it is getting there

Competitors are always looking to topple the number one; there is no time to take the foot off the accelerator, i.e. confidence needs to remain positive so everything else can hopefully perform at its best.


Self-motivation gets things done, not only by you but also by your team. If you’re not driven, and it shows, your business suffers.

Productivity depends on your motivation and that you inspire both your leadership team and workers to do more and improve. Leaders have to stand out in front to get this respect. Everything you do, good and bad, will dictate what happens next.

If the business owner turns up to the work environment late all the time and then leaves early, too, plus takes long breaks in between, it’s not sending the right message to everyone in the business.

All leaders, good or bad, are leading by example. Ensure you’re consistent in your behaviour, which leads to the following attribute – allegiance and devotion.


Just how committed are you to the business? A strong leader shows passion and conviction, particularly in communication, which is how great leaders stand out from their peers.

There are similarities between running a business and running a country, so when disaster struck in New Zealand recently, namely the Christchurch mosque shooting, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern demonstrated many of the four pillars of leadership, including conviction.

When times are bad, good leaders stand up to be counted. They set the tone, and others will emulate and often impersonate them. These leaders also take action, not just any ole action; they take action that is a game changer.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister said the gun laws would change quickly, and they did within a matter of days, and that’s impressive leadership.

Decision making

There probably is an element of luck in most decisions; however, good judgement is also a significant part, and great leaders know how to make the right decisions at the right time.

They collaborate in their decision-making process, seeking input from their peers, and are likely to deliberate long and hard before arriving at a conclusion. This trait is far from impulsiveness and a tendency to ‘wing it’ like some leaders we know.


While it’s a given that we expect all leaders to have integrity and they can be trusted with information in their dealings, there are plenty of examples of leaders taking advantage of their position at the expense of their business and those near them.


Leaders can aspire to possess many more key attributes in significant quantities. What’s inspiring to all of us is when there is a real example of outstanding leadership. Who is showing their supreme leadership today? It’s hard to look past Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

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