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How To Unleash Your Creativity In Business

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Creativity isn’t just for artists, nor is exclusively for entrepreneurs, we all have it. So how can you tap into your inner creativity to inspire, innovate and lead? The short answer is to work smarter, not harder.

Creativity can be a deceptive word. We don’t usually associate it with business: usually, it brings to mind painters, poets, musicians, and others whose goals are more geared towards expression than economics. But in reality, creativity is essential for anyone who wants to find success in their career.

All business leaders must be creative. It’s the very fuel that forces us to think outside of the box and come up with novel ideas that put us ahead of the competition. Creativity is as much a part of a successful business’s DNA as marketing is a part of a successful recording artist’s career.

Of course, creativity is a fickle thing. It comes and goes without warning, sometimes surprising you when you least expect it and other times abandoning you when you most need it.

Mark Twain said “there is no such thing as a new idea” and it’s hard to argue against his logic. While we often find it hard to be innovative on call, we know we have access to a lot of information we can use to formulate a variation of something that already exists. Plus there are many books on the topic of how to tap into your creativity.

In this blog post, we have a few simple tactics to help you unleash your creativity when you most need it.

Read Biographies About Your Favorite Entrepreneurs

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk biographies are sure to give you a look into how the legends of our day use creativity to rise to the next level. Remember everyone is creative, it’s not something you’re born with, however, to access the inner originality within, you will need to take some risks.

Entrepreneurs, in particular, often draw on the ideas of other people, and they weigh up the pros and cons of investing in the process of turning the concept into a commercial product or service.

Explore Your Roots

A lack of confidence will limit access to our creativeness. The negative self-talk will also keep the lid on your creativeness too so don’t be caught out saying “I don’t have that in me,” or “it’s not a part of my DNA.”

One good way to find inspiration is to find out about your ancestral roots, and from that research, you’ll find relatives that will inspire you to push forward and try something new.

DNA tests, which help you discover your ancestral origins, are a great way to broaden your perceptions about yourself. Chances are we all have a relative who excelled at something we thought was beyond our own capacities. They may have even been famous.

Exploring your roots is a great way to empower yourself and to realize that there’s more inside than you give yourself credit for.

Leave Your Comfort Zone

If you distil it to its main principle, business is, in effect, problem-solving. Every successful product, service, or business poses a solution to a problem people frequently experience. Some of the most legendary inventors, entrepreneurs, and engineers discovered their world-changing ideas simply by coming across a problem and thinking about how to fix it.

If you want to get your creative juices flowing, it may help to remove yourself from your routine and experience some common problems that you’re not used to facing. This could mean spending a week camping in the woods, leaving your cell phone at home for a day, or any other situation that puts you in the position to experience challenges with a fresh perspective. You never know–you may just stumble upon a solution that everyone needs, but nobody has discovered.

Creativity is Not a Bad Word

It’s time to change our perspective of the word creativity. Resist the urge to summon interpretive dancing, romantic poetry, and other art forms that we often believe have the monopoly creativity. Creativity can simply mean looking at the world through a new or inspired perspective and then addressing that viewpoint. If you look at it like that, you’ll find that no business can succeed without it.
