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Business Leader, Paul Garibotti’s Five Steps To A Strong Company Culture

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Many business owners are told that they need to improve their company culture, but they cannot accomplish this task. When a company has a strong and positive culture, it will experience better branding and productivity and employee satisfaction.

Paul Garibotti of Northfleet Concrete Floors is an example of a business leader who promotes a positive company culture. His employees are the core of the business, as evidenced by its motto, “Our strength is our people.” When employees are properly supported and trust their company, they are more likely to work hard and feel loyalty to the organization.

What is Company Culture?

Expressed through the company’s goals, it’s culture is the sum of your organization’s values, work environment, and behavior.

The company culture can be considered part of its “personality,” and it informs on every aspect of how the organization deals with internal and external relationships. Also, leadership and company culture are intertwined.

Without strong and present leadership, a company cannot exhibit a positive culture. Therefore the company’s leaders need to be able to structure their activities around what is best for the organization and respect employees and customers.

The following are five steps that your company should follow to create a positive culture:

1. Be Aware of How Company Culture Works

Many entrepreneurs tend to relegate company culture to the background, letting human resources handle it. Shunting company culture to the side will leave a vacuum where it is difficult to create a strong relationship between the company and its employees.

When there is a failure in guidance, a company may develop a negative culture. It is difficult for companies to recover from this problem because employees and customers alike have long memories. Care should be taken to ensure that company leaders are positive role models.

2. Respect Employees and Customers

One of the most fundamental aspects of company culture is respect. Company leadership must know how to treat every employee as if they have the ability to contribute positively to the organization as a whole. From the C-suite to the mailroom, every employee needs to feel valued and respected.

Respecting customers is equally important. A lack of proper customer care is often a red flag for the health of a company’s culture. All employees need to know that taking care of the customer is expected and will be rewarded.

Another aspect of respect that should not be overlooked is that company leaders must be honest and behave with integrity. When company leaders pay lip service to the organization’s culture but do not truly live it, this can create a highly negative atmosphere.

3. Place a High Value on Communication

Encouraging communication can help to enhance company culture.

Every employee should know that they have a role in supporting the company’s growth and that their feedback about the company will be taken seriously. For example, if an entry-level employee feels that the human resources department is mistreating them, they need to know that they can voice their problem to their superiors.

Standards for employees’ work and behavior need to be clearly communicated. Employees need to know how they are expected to behave and what kinds of relationships they should have with their coworkers and customers.

4. Exhibit Integrity

One of the most crucial aspects of company culture is integrity. If higher-level employees are careless and untrustworthy, it is unlikely that positive company culture will flourish.

Leaders can encourage honesty by letting their teams know that they do not have to sugar-coat negative information.

Some company leaders are unaware that a problem is going on because their employees are afraid to speak up. Creating an atmosphere of fear can damage company culture significantly.

5. Lead by Example

Company leaders should know that everyone in the organization is looking up to them. They should conduct themselves following the company culture they want to achieve. A company’s structure and values often reflect the expertise and life experiences of its leadership.

Leaders need to be aware that they are creating an example by how they behave and that it should be a positive example.

The Key to Company Culture

At its core, company culture reflects how much an organization values its employees. Paul Garibotti’s company, Northfleet Concrete Floors, emphasises caring for its employees and believes that its strength lies in its people.

Every company should look carefully at how it treats its employees and make changes if necessary. This will prevent employees from becoming cynical and stop them from not taking their jobs seriously.

Carefully considering each of these steps and putting them into play will lead to positive change in your organization. Understanding what company culture is and how it works will help your company grow and ensure that you are getting the most out of every employee.
