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UV Light Disinfection For A Safe Workplace?

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What is UV light disinfection, and why is it important for business? Let’s delve into why we’re interested in this solution to get our workplaces back to normal.

Never before have we been so aware of viruses and what it takes to stay healthy. While pollution caused by human activity is not new, we are more aware of it now, thanks to more publicity around climate change. There’s no escaping, or at least not right now, our highly polluted world. Every day we hear cases of new bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that cause immense harm to us, animals, vegetation and our planet.

There is no escaping the hard truth that humans need to live smarter. Thankfully, there is a lot of innovation and change occurring to reduce our harm and improve the survival of humans and entire ecosystems. For example, we’re using renewable energies like solar and wind power, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Another invention gaining momentum and more so since COVID-19 is UV Light Disinfectant to keep the air space that we work and live free of harmful viruses and bacteria. With the pandemic, workplaces have been locked down, and workers forced to work remotely. However, maybe the answer to getting us back in the office is UV light disinfection! 🙂

This article looks at ultra-violet light disinfection and how it could confirm that working together in close quarters doesn’t require masks and gloves to be considered safe.

What Exactly is UV Light Disinfection?

The ultra-violet light is a type of light that is usually invisible to the human eye. This light is found in the electromagnetic spectrum between the x-ray and the visible light. Although this light is not visible to the human eye, it can be used as a disinfectant against microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa, and viruses.

Types of UV Disinfection Devices

Handheld UV sterilizer

With this UV disinfection device, you have a portable rechargeable lamp. It is very user friendly and also effective. Known to make the environment clean and germ-free by killing 99% of the microorganisms when discharged regularly.

Electro lux

This UV disinfection device uses electrically charging chemical solutions through electrostatic spray services. When the chemical solution is released, it cleans the surface by swiftly bonding it instead of falling to the floor.


Using advanced technology, this device still needs at least ten minutes to clean an area or room. To disinfect the environment thoroughly, the UV-C light is placed on multiple sanitizing tripods. It removes and kills 99.9% of all the germs.

UVC sanitizing light

This light usually uses ultraviolet rays. Due to its power of over 1.5 watts per square meter, this light can disinfect an object within a one-meter radius in at least thirty minutes.

UV Disinfection Applications

Now we know what devices are available, let’s consider what we can do with them:

  • Wastewater treatment
  • Air disinfection
  • Equipment disinfection
  • Surface disinfection
  • Food disinfection

Lots of different applicators or devices plus many uses. What more do you need to know about UV Light Disinfection?

Advantages of UV Light Disinfection

1. Safe

Most people tend to think that UV light disinfection is harmful. Every time you mention the word ‘ultraviolet,’ people tend to associate it with exposure to sunburn risks and, even worse still, cancer.

However, when appropriately used, UV light is safe. Personnel operating UV disinfection systems are considered safer than those who use chemical systems. Using disinfection UV led light, you eliminate the need to store, produce, and transport toxic and hazardous chemicals.

2. Affordable

Contrary to some belief that UV disinfection systems are expensive as they use technology rather than chemicals, the opposite is actually true. UV disinfection systems are often smaller and much easier to use as compared to conventional systems. This makes its operational and capital costs affordable.

3. Ability to Kill Microorganisms Without Immunity

Unlike in conventional disinfection systems where bacteria and pathogens develop an antibiotic-resistant, this cannot happen with UV light disinfection; this is because UV light disinfection can inactivate and kill pathogens that had prior developed resistance against chemicals such as chlorine and cryptosporidium.

4. Not Toxic

Most of the chemicals used in conventional disinfection systems are usually toxic and can leave traces of toxins in the disinfected areas. However, UV light disinfection doesn’t make use of chemicals. Therefore, there are no toxins or carcinogenic by-products left behind after the disinfection process is complete.

5. Portable Or Not

The beauty of installing UV disinfection systems is that you do not have to move them from place to place. They can be installed in any facility such as hospital rooms, offices, or even lecture halls. They are usually ready to use, and whenever disinfection is required, you switch them on.


UV Light Disinfection is not effective chemicals. It will eliminate microorganisms, but it’s not a magic solution for everything else.

Plus, UV light disinfection will only be effective when it has the right amount of energy and the sources continue. Stop it, and the microorganisms will regrow – such is our fact of life, that humans are in a constant battle for survival.


Although traditional disinfection methods have been in use since time immemorial, it is evident that they are not entirely effective. Like our vaccines, they have been weakened probably through overuse. However, the shining light at the end of the tunnel, at least for now, is UV light disinfection systems, where your room, office, or workspace can be free of harmful microorganisms that can lead to sicknesses or even death.

So what are you waiting for – it’s time for workers to get back in the office!

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