I’m going to keep this short, but just to give you some interesting things I learned this year about leadership.
Personal time and the ability to plan daily in my opinion is a source of power that cannot be leveraged. I am writing this at 11...
Have you ever heard of the “Ratner effect”? By the end of this post, you will know what it means. Gerald Ratner inherited his father’s jewellery...
Every person on the plane received this gift so I would be surprised if anyone complained about the babies if they started to cry. Who the...
Commitment, not a cool product. McDonald’s legendary “process-driven” business model is touted in Michael Gerber’s book, the E-Myth, as the central thing you need to succeed...
“Employee Problems” doesn’t mean “Problem Employees”. We miss cause and effect all the time, and most employees usually aren’t at the bottom of employee problems. Edward...
U.S. companies large and small understand retention of talent and skilled labor makes a difference in company performance as well as the quality of goods and...
It should be no surprise that teamwork is a vital part of running a successful business. Not only does it increase productivity, it's important for maximizing...
The overwhelming majority of small business advice is from people showing us how Giant Corporation, Inc. managed to free themselves from the drudgery of being small...
Just about every business owner I know is a hostage to his or her business. How do we break free? By first becoming a willing prisoner...