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Case Study: How Mobilize Mail Helps Clients Keep In-touch with their Customers

Mobilize Mail provides customised eDM (email marketing) solutions to New Zealand public and private sector clients. Below is one example of how a client communicates with their workshop attendees before and after the event.

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Mobilize Mail provides customised eDM (email marketing) solutions to New Zealand public and private sector clients. Below is one example of how a client communicates with their workshop attendees before and after the event.

Making sure the registration email arrives

In this example the client provides an event registration form on their website. On completion of the form a confirmation email is sent to the registrant.  It is important to our client to get an acknowledgement receipt that the confirmation email arrived with the registrant and this is where Mobilize Mail’s Transaction Messages (TXN) service comes into action.  The TXN service tracks all emails sent to a recipient including opens, clicks and bounces. If an event attendee states that they did not receive the confirmation email the client can quickly look up the statistics of the email to check when it was sent and if it was successfully delivered and resend the email if required.

Mobilize Mail is a premium ESP (email service provider) and it’s system can be set up to deliver highly customised emails automatically.  For this particular client – the workshop reminder email is set up to send a reminder email to all event attendees 5 days before the event.  The email content providing customised information for every attendee such as registration codes, timetable of events that the attendee registered for etc..

A smart way to send “Follow-Up” Emails

Once the client’s event has finished Mobilize Mail delivers an email message to all attendees and once again the email content is customised – in this example the email contained a satisfaction survey. The link to the online survey is in the email (eDM).

To make sure the client receives as many survey submissions as possible the client utilises the “Follow-up” feature provided by Mobilize Mail.

Moblize Mail  tracks every attendee who clicked the survey link within the email. After 5 days all the attendees who did not click the survey link are automatically sent a reminder email regarding the survey.

Set and Forget Features

By using some of the features within Mobilize Mail the client has implemented a solution that tracks all event confirmation emails sent to attendees reducing customer support time and effort in trying to track down if the email was sent. Furthermore all confirmation emails that bounced are processed and the client alerted.

The “follow-up” email process provides a smarter approach to maximising the post-event communication with attendees by only sending a survey reminder email to attendees who did not click the survey link within the initial email.

This case study presents only a couple of features provided by Mobilize Mail for smarter email marketing solutions.
