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Data Protection – A Business Owner’s Guide to Digital Defences

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The importance of data protection cannot be overstated, especially in this growing age of the digital transformation of businesses. With the efficiency and ease of digitisation, there come the dangers of experiencing the loss of corporate information and other forms of data mismanagement.

If you’re a business owner who’s looking to protect your corporate data, consider these digital defences.

Understand The Process

This might go without saying, but understanding what you’re facing will ensure your company is fully prepared to face the immense opportunities and accompanying dangers of the eCommerce world.

As the digitisation of industries is becoming unavoidable, business owners must adopt some technological know-how. It’s no surprise that CEOs with technical knowledge are better equipped to navigate the depths of data protection and make more reliable decisions when it comes to protecting your organisation from threats like extortion and cyber theft.

A little research and study will go a long way, and it’s infinitely better to become acquainted with some tech info, especially if you’re a veteran business owner.

Cyber Insurance

The benefits of securing cyber insurance for your company are substantial, to say the least. You are protected from many cyber liabilities, from breaches incorporating information to administrative data investigations and fines, and even the adverse outcomes of cyber extortion from outside threats. Your business will also be provided with the most comprehensive data security options.

A quality insurance plan should also allow you the added options to protect any or all of your published, copyrighted material, such as clips, graphics, and other media content. The best cyber insurance plans can compensate you for any potential revenue loss resulting from network interruption or network failures.

Cyber liability insurance provides business owners with a modern, enduring solution that actively utilises consistent data protection. And while you might think that it’s only big businesses who experience cyber theft and other cybersecurity breaches, data protection is a growing concern for all modern businesses, regardless of size.

The added protection that you will receive from your cyber liability insurance plan will definitely prove to be a strong player in your business’ risk management plan.

Backup and Recovery

In the early twenty-first century, our understanding of ‘backups’ was keeping electronic copies of paper documents. But funnily enough, even in this digital age, many brick-and-mortar businesses still maintain a physical filing system as the reliability of pen and paper makes a comeback in the growing threat to data security. But even paper has an expiration date.

Maintaining backups for electronic copies is becoming increasingly vital to the operations of all companies, from your traditional brick-and-mortar operations to even your most tech-savvy eCommerce ventures.

The best way to guarantee that your data is securely backed up is simply through utilising the magic of cloud storage, and other file sharing options that might be ideally suited for your company.

Finding the best option for you is far more straightforward than you might think and can be easily achieved through even a quick word with your IT team.


If understanding the data protection process is the first step, then ensuring that you have this protection is the step you must immediately follow.

Cyber liability insurance is becoming as vital to organisations as business liability insurance is for investors and health insurance for staff. Check this errand off your to-do list, and strengthen your digital defences soon.
