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5 Powerful Reasons to Quit Your Job Despite an Uncertain Future

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quitting my job

Did you know that 50% of those employed in America aren’t happy with their job?  Some articles say the true figure is a lot higher, and this is not a new phenomenon; most of us are not doing the job we really want to do.

There are many reasons for job dissatisfaction too, including lack of praise or personal recognition.

We love being congratulated when we do well, and it’s used to spur us on, i.e. motivate us to do more of the same activity.  Taking our first steps, to doing well in school, we expect personal praise, and it’s not always forthcoming in organisations.

If you’re unhappy with your job, you’re not alone!

Is it wise to quit your job even if you don’t have something lined up?

Job security is nice but is any job ever secure?

Arguably security really is a state of mind, insofar as if we feel secure then we’re confident in our role.  However, this personal responsibility for security only goes so far, many events can trigger job loss that is out of our hands.

The recent pandemic demonstrates that there are always factors outside of your control. It has also shown us that life is short with no guarantee of tomorrow.

If you’re wondering whether to quit your job, keep reading! We’ll give you five powerful reasons to quit your job despite an uncertain future.

1. Your Physical and Mental Health

Is your job causing undue stress? This is one of many reasons to quit your job. Are you wondering why you have insomnia, shortness of breath, and digestive disorders?

A little bit of stress is fine, but constant stress takes a toll on your health. Chronic stress lowers your immune system, increases your risk of stroke and heart attack, and speeds the ageing process. Stress also makes you vulnerable to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Quitting a job is scary but having your health destroyed is worse. Sometimes you have to face your fears and choose risk – find out more.

2. You’re Underpaid

Does your boss add to your responsibilities but never give you a raise? If you’re looking at other jobs, that’s a great time for negotiating a better salary.

Do some sleuthing and find out what people in your position make across different types of industries. If your job is industry-specific, look at other companies like yours to see what salaries are like.

3. The Problems Won’t Go Away

Sometimes you’re overwhelmed at work, but it’s temporary. Is the boss putting too much on your plate because there’s an unusual situation? You can often resolve those types of problems with a one-on-one discussion with your boss or HR.

If that doesn’t resolve anything, and the problems are here to stay, it’s a good sign it’s time to quit your job. In the next job, you can define your boundaries going in.

4. Layoffs Are Coming

Is your job in jeopardy? Are big layoffs coming? Do you think you’re next?

Quitting your job gives you more time to find something else. When looking for a new position is your full-time job, you’ll find something much faster.

5. Your Co-Workers Are Bullies

Bullying in the workforce isn’t always obvious. It often takes the form of gaslighting.

If your boss or co-workers are bullies, don’t stick around. They’re not going to change, and the job won’t change. Save your health and quit your job.

It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Sometimes it’s time to quit your job even if you don’t have another lined up. Your physical and mental health are too important to spend your days in a job you hate.

If your boss or co-workers (or both) are bullies, you shouldn’t stay. If stress is chronic due to your job, staying will only hurt your health. From being underpaid to problems that won’t go away, sometimes quitting is the only thing that makes sense.

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