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5 Signs Your Company Website Is Outdated

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Websites have evolved drastically in the last two decades. If you’ve had a company website for a while but have never revamped it, chances are that it’s starting to look a little outdated. Here are five warning signs to look out for that could suggest your website is stuck in the past.

There’s too much text

If your homepage is a wall of text, this is likely to be driving visitors away. Modern websites are being designed to look more minimal, with tabs guiding visitors to different areas of information.

Many modern websites make heavy use of images, usually with a single image dominating the screen. Treat your website more like a billboard than a leaflet.

Your site is stuffed with keywords

Traditionally, cramming a site full of keywords was a great way of getting on the first page of Google. Nowadays, too many keywords can harm your Google rankings – many search engines treat it as spamming and instead rank websites based on their natural use of keywords, among other factors. You’re best off using an organic search agency that can boost rankings naturally. You can also pay for PPC ads that may help you get noticed better.

The homepage contains autoplay media

Youtube videos or music that automatically plays when people visit your site can be annoying – especially for return visitors. It’s okay to feature a Youtube video on your homepage telling people what you’re all about, but give people the option to play it. There’s rarely ever a reason to play music on your website – you’ll likely have people scrambling for the mute button.

Pages take ages to load

A website that takes ages to load can deter visitors. There are many reasons why the website may be running slowly. It could be that there are too many ads enabled on the website.

Alternatively, you could be using a WordPress template site, and you may have installed too many plug-ins. This can make a website not only slow but cluttered. Consider hiring a professional web designer to remodel your site so that you don’t have to use plug-ins.

Your site isn’t mobile friendly

Not everyone perusing your site will be doing so on a PC. In fact, more people are now using their mobiles than PCs to search the web. Make sure that your website is mobile compatible. Many old websites may appear to have odd formatting or appear broken when viewed on a mobile phone. Get a designer to create multiple versions of your website that appear depending on the platform you’re viewing them on. You can also give mobile users the chance to download your app if you have one, as well as enabling the call button extension, which allows people searching you on Google to quickly ring you on their phones by clicking your number.
