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Social Media

Very Important Tip. You do not own Twitter or Facebook so if you get banned…

Just a bit of advice for all of you using facebook or any social network. If you have a facebook (fan) Page for your business make sure you direct your fans to signup to your email newsletter or something else that gets them in a database that you own and control.

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social networks

Just a bit of advice for all of you using Facebook for business (or any social network). If you have a facebook (fan) Page for your business make sure you direct your fans to signup to your email newsletter or something else that gets them in a database that you own and control.

A new client came to us today because they have just had their facebook page removed caused by a disgruntled contractor posting porn on their page.

They did not setup the page correctly and are currently trying to get their page back online but facebook is very slow at responding and you need to go through a formal process with them.

If they cannot get unbanned then they may have lost all of their fans – this would not have been as serious if they had their fans in their own database such as their email marketing database.

If you invest time and money building up your followers/fans within Twitter, Facebook or any other social network make sure you get your fans/followers into your own marketing database! NOTE: Our solutions help with this and provide “set and forget” tools so you don’t have to worry about losing what you have built within these social networks.

Remember – you don’t own or have control over these social networks so you cannot afford to risk the chance of losing what you have built.
