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Blog Tip Rule #1 – Write Good Content

There are a ton of blogs out there and just about anyone can start their own blog and voice their opinions. But what makes a good blog rather than one that’s a bore? It’s the content.

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There are a ton of blogs out there and just about anyone can start their own blog and voice their opinions. But what makes a good blog rather than one that’s a bore? It’s the content. Yes, this is a typical answer but you wouldn’t believe how many people don’t actually write decent content.

Of course it depends on what you’re writing about as well but at the root of it make sure it makes a point, it’s entertaining and that at the end it asks the reader a question where they can interact with you.

Some business blogs can be just an update about what’s going on with the company where it has absolutely no personality whatsoever. Spice it up and if you’re writing an update about something that happened at your business, a change that’s about to occur or you added new features make sure to make it interesting.

If you are not good with words then get someone in there that is and let them start typing away. People don’t want to read the same old thing on business blogs where they’ve heard the same thing over and over. Pull the reader in, open up and really talk to them. Customers or anyone for that matter love to see the other side of the business/company where they are just as human as the next person.

If you’re going to write an article about tips that are geared towards your audience then make sure you really make it stand out. Come up with cool titles, keywords or phrases when describing what you’re talking about. Don’t write typical things that everyone else does because that’s when you float along with the rest of the crowd in the sea of other business articles out there.

If you write good content where someone will learn something from it while being entertained at the same time then you have done it right. Always ask a question at the end so they can get involved in the conversation and interact with you. See what their advice or tips would be on that subject or matter because you never know they may have something you never thought of or that is pure genius and you think others should know about.

Good content comes from believing in what you do and having a passion for it so don’t hold back when you write that next blog post.
