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My 5 Golden Rules for Twitter that attracted over 15,000 Followers in less than 12 months

Here are my 5 rules that helped me attract over 15,000 followers on Twitter in less than 12 months.

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Here are my 5 rules that helped me attract over 15,000 followers on Twitter in less than 12 months. They are not hard rules to follow, nor do they require you to spend $$ on a secret product I have. They are commonsense rules that you can use as well.

1. Choose a Great Profile Name

Having a name like Jenny3435 will doom you forever to obscurity just like a child film star. Plus you look like a spammer. Choose a name that reflects what people are interested in. I have “BusinessTalk” so it’s easy to find when people search for “business talk” or “business chat” or even just “business”.

2. Be Nice

Always try to respond to people who contact you and always thank people who re-tweet your messages. Some purists state that you should not pollute Twitter with “RTs” – they are the ones with hardly any followers. Everyone likes to be acknowledged for helping out.

3. Block the Trolls

I have encountered many Internet Trolls on Twitter. The ability to hide your true identity encourages the worst in some people. When someone is rude to you just block them. The worst thing you can do is respond to their insults – that’s what they want because when you @reply their profile name gets broadcasted to your followers.

4. Automate Some Tweets

Shock horror!!! There is a stat somewhere that states to be successful on Twitter you need to post at least 20-30 times per day. If you can do this all by yourself, then you don’t have a life. I have hooked up some really interesting RSS feeds to my profile from business sites. They are the most retweeted posts in my stream.

5. Don’t take this seriously

Twitter is fun and allows you to connect with some interesting people. I love Twitter, but at the same time, I don’t panic and cry when Twitter goes down. Forget the purist who tells you how you should behave on Twitter – just be YOU.

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