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How Many Updates Before We Switch Off? Social Media Overload

So here we are, were all connected and everything is going great. We are tweeting, we are updating Facebook and LinkedIn for all we are worth, but stop and consider this for a moment…

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So here we are, were all connected and everything is going great. We are tweeting, we are updating Facebook and LinkedIn for all we are worth, but stop and consider this for a moment…

How many tweets and updates can we do in a day and make them all meaningful and helpful to our followers? This then begs the question “should they be?”

Well if you are doing it for pleasure, why not keep everyone up to date with what you had for breakfast or how your love life is going and how the kids are getting on at school? I am not saying for one moment that this is wrong but if you are a business or working on behalf of one is this what we should be doing or working hard to be known for?

I am all for keeping it ‘real’ and getting a little of ‘you’ across but is there a point at which we stop for the sake of professionalism?

At time of writing I have about 700 folks following me on Twitter, not many in the grand scheme of things but to be honest I would rather people followed me because they wanted to then get followers through one of the many ‘get followers, get rich’ schemes, I use Tweetdeck and my Blackberry to keep up to speed with what’s going on. I have to say from a business perspective I find it hard to keep up with what everyone is up to and I dip in and out through the day.

I do have my lists set up and I mainly listen to what going on and decide to join in if I feel the ‘urge’. So my point in all of this is how many people / businesses do we really listen to before we switch off?

Now I am mentioning no names in all of this as I am probably as guilty as anyone but some of the so called ‘top guys’ are, in most cases, more guilty than anyone as about five of them tweet all day and shovel us the most inane drivel imaginable so are they just updating for the sake of it or to be heard or maybe get to the top of the social marketers pile?

More disappointing is when you see something that you think could be really interesting and it turns out that the ‘gold link’ is an advertising scam to get you three squillian followers for only $29 a month…come on!!

So how many updates do you take in before switching off and how do you keep yours interesting for your followers?
