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Top 5 Twitter Tools YOU Must Have

TweepML: Although we are still awaiting the 2.0 release, TweepML still merits special mention as a top Twitter tool. For brands and individuals who are looking to gain new followers on Twitter, this tool is an absolute must!

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TweepML: Although we are still awaiting the 2.0 release, TweepML still merits special mention as a top Twitter tool. For brands and individuals who are looking to gain new followers on Twitter, this tool is an absolute must! TweepML is a website where users can share groups of Twitter users. The Twitter lists (groups) are then categorized so you can easily search according to your relevant interest. If your company is looking to use Twitter to reach a particular target market, Twitter lists on TweepML can be an invaluable free resource.

Tweetreach: How far did your tweet travel? Whether you are searching for a screen name, a URL, hashtag or phrase, Tweetreach analyzes data points to match your search, and generate a report with key metrics like reach and exposure. If you are in marketing or PR, Tweetreach is a great tool for analyzing the reach of your brand. Awesome to see that 53,238 people were reached with 50 tweets from @bostinnovation.

Tweetstats: If you’re looking for an easy way to graph your tweets, Tweetstats has you covered. It takes a couple minutes to load up, but after its done performing some magic behind the scenes Tweetstats provides you with awesome graphical readouts of: Your Tweet Density, Aggregate Daily Tweets, Aggreagte Hourly Tweets, Replies to, and your Tweet Timeline. These graphs are great for businesses that want to keep track of how much and how often they are Tweeting.

Twitalyzer: If your business is looking to drill deeper into the meaning of what surrounds your brand on Twitter, Twitalyzer is a one-stop-shop for analytics. Twitalyzer offers a plethora of userful analytics, but probably my favorite tool is the “Link Clicks.” If you are using a URL shortener known to have click tracking such as:,,,,, and than you can track how successful the links you are tweeting out. From this your company can determine what types of content are drawing more attention, and which are just airing crickets.

Twittergrader: way to tell if your company stinks at Twitter? Grade it! Thanks to the folks at Hubspot, you can now easily check the pulse of how well your Twitter handle is performing and also offers some helpful tips and suggestions to help you increase your grade. One of the nicest features on Twitter Grader is the “Follower History.” This feature generates a historical graph so you can see the trends over your Twitter history and even compares it with other screen names of interest.
