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How To Increase Your Facebook Likes

There were only a small number of social networks when social media started being used as a business marketing tool. The main protagonists were LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Today there is a myriad of visual networks and social networks like Vine, Pinterest and Instagram to keep us distracted. Facebook has more than 1.3 billion users and is the largest of all the social media networks, so you definitely cannot ignore it.

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There were only a small number of social networks when social media started being used as a business marketing tool. The main protagonists were LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Today there is a myriad of visual networks and social networks like Vine, Pinterest and Instagram to keep us distracted. Facebook has more than 1.3 billion users and is the largest of all the social media networks, so you definitely cannot ignore it. That means you need to continue to learn how to use this ecosystem that continues to evolve rapidly. In just the past few years the changes to Facebook have been significant. It went public, focused on mobile (just paid $19 billion for Whatsapp, a Mobile messaging platform) and is currently working to get users to pay for attention. What that means is that in order for you to obtain the reach you need, it is necessary for you to seriously consider paid advertising. A few years ago, that wasn’t necessary. It was possible to build a Facebook tribe of followers and the updates kept on rolling.

So if you like to quickly gain attention of Facebook these days you need to pay for advertising. One easy way of doing that is clicking on the “Boost Post” button. It is very easy to boost your Facebook posts and only takes a few clicks after you register and provide your credit card information. What that means is this feature can be used for increasing your online visibility as well as grow a fan base on Facebook. Alternatively, you can get followers and likes via other means.

Tips For Doubling Your Facebook Likes

Here are a few simple tips to help you with growing your Facebook community for free.

– Ask your email subscribers to like your Facebook friends. If you have family of friends like your page it will be very effective for them to do so when you are first launching your page. However, to really make it work, you are going to need to offer some kind of incentive in order to access your free content, like a video or ebook.

– Share your blog posts to Facebook. Any articles you have that offer educational and insightful information can give people a reason for visiting and liking your page. Never underestimate the power of this kind of content.

– Share interesting photos.

On Facebook photos are the most shared kind of media and there is the possibility for it to go viral.

– Comment of pages that your target audience hangs out on.

– Tag and share your business page via your personal Facebook account.

– If you are hosting any live events, make sure to take pictures and encourage your fans to tag themselves. You might even want to offer prizes for those who contribute the most creative photos.

– Offer specials and discounts to your fans. That is one of the main reasons why people like brand pages.

– Link your Twitter account and Facebook page together. You can also set things up so that it tweets automatically when you update.

– Make it easy for individual to “like” your Facebook page. Using a Facebook social plugin on your blog or website is one of the most effective ways of doing this. Make sure to place it in a prominent location (such as the right hand corner of the homepage). That way your readers won’t have to leave your website in order to like your Facebook page.
