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How To Be ‘Online-Ready’ For Your Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing campaigns work well when they pull users to landing pages and your blog. However, if your site loads too slowly users will leave the pages. For mobile sites, i.e. websites loaded via devices like your smartphone, the acceptable page load speed is under 3 seconds. If this is news to you, then read this article, on what your site needs before you ge your digital marketing campaigns.

The lines are blurred when it comes to online advertising, and a good marketer should know the importance of having a stable website to cope with lots of activity, i.e. spontaneous visits.

Once your business has the infrastructure that can cope with the success of digital marketing, then there will be no stopping it from going from strength to strength with conversions and sales.

Your online assets should include a website with a blog and make sure you’ve got a web hosting plan that’s fit for purpose.

What Uses Hosting Plan Resources

Getting set up for your digital marketing strategy includes learning about websites, content, website hosting plans, so reading guides, tips and news and the HowToHosting Guide is a great place to start.

Once you’ve grasped the need for fast page load speed that becomes centric to everything you do online. The guide is worth a read as it’s all about improving page load speed.

What’s also worth knowing about websites, and hosting too, there is no set and forget.

As more content is added to your site (which is what you want for your digital marketing), more resources are required to cope with simultaneous search requests, data storage and site speed. This means your website administrator will be kept busy honing your site’s optimization, i.e. how it uses your hosting plan’s resources and adding more power when it’s required.

Plus there will be ongoing testing of features, and experimenting with new systems, as well as resource-hungry software updates, new apps and security features. All of which are required for SEO and to keep your site visitors happy.

Your Website Is An Investment In Time and Money

Make sure your business knows what investment in time and money is required to ensure your infrastructure up to the task of delivering the information visitors and customers need as well as cope with new marketing strategies that need additional resources.

For example, video marketing is more resource-hungry than static images. Continue reading this article for more valuable insights on getting ready for your digital marketing strategies.

Did you know…?

Some people believe that digital and online approaches are the same thing, but they are slightly different. In truth, the online version is a subset of digital marketing, and it is associated with content distributed over the Internet.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to any form of advertising on electronic devices. To be more precise, it doesn’t limit you to only using the Internet. It can be perceived as an umbrella term which hosts various techniques.

Resource-Hungry Digital marketing

In particular, online marketing consists of several approaches: growing your website, search engine marketing (SEM), social media strategies, content and email, banner advertising, and mobile advertising.

Nearly all businesses today require an online presence, and usually, it is at the heart of their advertising and marketing strategy.

Your next focus, now you’ve got the infrastructure sorted, are a content strategy, SEO, and social media approaches.

Final Thoughts

One of the most critical aspects of this process is your site’s infrastructure. You should be aware that your site’s foundation has a direct effect on how your site performs.

The infrastructure is related to how your site’s data is hosted, meaning that web hosting is a crucial element of your digital strategy. Web hosting will affect your site’s performance, security, and SEO. Depending on the type of website and business you’re running, you can choose from various kinds of hosting.

To choose the best SEO-friendly hosting provider to help boost your growth strategy, look for the following factors:

  • Server locations. The best hosting providers deploy server networks in various locations in secure data centers.
  • Performance optimization. Page speed is an important SEO factor, so make sure that your website will be loading fast.
  • Free SSL certificate. Your website should be HTTPS-friendly, as it is a crucial ranking factor. Some hosting providers offer SSL certificates for free.
  • Excellent customer support. You need a professional team to back you up when your site is going through technical difficulties. An experienced team supports a great hosting company.

Another factor to consider with your hosting plan is who you are sharing a server with is you’re on a shared plan. If your site is sharing server space with thousands of other sites, its performance can be affected. Just keep in mind that your site’s infrastructure impacts your overall growth approach, and a single wrong decision can drastically mess up your website resulting in lousy SEO. Start out as you mean to carry on – choose a hosting plan that includes plenty of resource for growth.
