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How To Leverage Instagram To Make Your Startup Stand Out

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instagram for business tips

Statistics show that Instagram has 100 million daily users- from teens to grannies, the reason why marketers are focusing on and seeing great potential in it. According to Expanded Ramblings Research, this platform has approximately 400+ million users, 30% of the U.S population uses it, and 49% of whom are adults.

Knowing the numbers, Instagram is a great marketing platform everyone can use. Unlike Facebook, commercializing it is effortless yet creates powerful results. Once enhanced or appropriately marketed, a simple photo or story can make a difference to the whole business or organization.

How to best leverage Instagram if you’re just starting?

Instagram is free, and everyone can market on it for free. You just need to download the app, use the business account if you sell a product or service, use proper tools, and execute. However, paid advertising on Instagram also has its place, so if your business knows its customers are on it – using paid ads should be worth the investment.

Use Proper Hashtags

A hashtag is a simple word/s powered with the symbol “#”. It comes with heavy value in eCommerce marketing which is why it is widely used on Instagram so a product or service can have its own brand and classification. Yes, a simple hashtag can brand a product or service because it gives authority and identity to it.

The hashtag once used regularly along with the product and service will eventually be their promotional tag that reaches new customers and existing followers.

When visitors search for that particular hashtag, the product or service will exist in the search result.

What’s good about a hashtag? Using the hashtag in marketing is for free. Anyone and everyone can create their own hashtag for their brands and services and claim them as their own. However, take note that not all hashtags are generating lucrative hashtags. Some are dead, and some are unpopular, so proper usage and selection of hashtags are essential, especially in marketing.

There are hashtag generator tools that are extremely helpful to those who want to be noticed on Instagram (IG). One example is the Hashtags For Likes. This website generates hashtags according to the topic and nature of the content. Its database is regularly updated, giving users only the popular and trending hashtags.

The selected hashtags they generate are superb and give exposure to other IG users.

Build An Empire Of Followers

The success of an IG user account is measured by the number of followers, posts, and follower activity. Therefore avoid just looking at the number of followers an account has, as there are many fake or inactive user accounts. The activity and follower engagement is the most essential measurement, especially if you’re looking to use Influencers.

Still, there are ways to build an empire of followers on Instagram aside from buying fake followers. There are online services that offer assistance from an actual human. The growth of an IG account is according to the budget of the account holder. These services find ways to make an IG account reach its desired followers and audiences.

Use Photos, Stories With High Visual Impact

Hashtags and followers will be nothing if the account’s content is not visually appealing and catching. They say “the first impression lasts”, which is true, especially on Instagram, where everything is visual. To create visually appealing content, uploading raws is not enough. Use editing tools to process your photos and stories to become more artistic and double-tap worthy. Some tools that can help enhance are VSCO, Canva, and Over.

Consider our collection of Instagram articles for improving your customer engage and conversion including Instagram collabs.
