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Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

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business strategy

Website owners can improve their site visitor experience with CRO and SEO strategies, so every visitor counts.

You have a fantastic product or service, but if no one knows about it, it will not sell. To increase conversions on your site, you must first improve your conversion rate. However, you also need to optimize your site, i.e., SEO. For more on how to improve your site SEO read this article.

Tweaking your site to improve your user experience (UX) should be your top priority, and it includes working on the following:

  • Website design
  • Relevant, unique content
  • Digital marketing initiatives

Website Design For Mobile First

Visit your website on your smartphone. How does it look? If it’s tiny (think impossible to read), challenging to navigate, and slow, you may miss out on a lot of traffic. And those visiting your site may be turned off to your brand because you don’t have a mobile-friendly site.

Mobile-friendly websites load quickly and have simple designs that make navigation a breeze. Get a new template that is mobile-first so you can focus on your site’s content to improve your conversion rate.

Add Compelling Images And Video

An image or video that holds visitors’ attention for more than a second or two gets you off to a great start. Adding images to your website will help convert visitors into buyers. It also helps with search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines use image recognition technology to determine how relevant your pages are.

The best way to add images to your site is to include them in your content. To optimize your site for SEO purposes, you should have at least one image per page. You can also create a separate section of your site dedicated to images.

Focus On Content

Content will always be an important part of every business website, but you must put time and effort into creating it. You don’t necessarily have to have a blog, although you should consider it; you should at least have an excellent quality content copy on every page.

Use original content. Don’t copy and paste content from your competitors. Duplicate content will damage your site’s reputation with Google and not be ranked in keyword searches.


Make sure your website has a clear call to action. If people cannot find what they’re looking for immediately, they’ll leave without taking action. A good call to action will encourage visitors to take action. It should be easy to understand and clearly communicate what you want them to do.

The best calls to action are those that are clear and concise. People usually do so without thinking twice when they see something they want to click on. If you’re looking to increase conversions on your site, then you need to create a call to action that’s clear and concise.

Create A Strong Headline

Attract attention immediately with a headline that wows visitors. It could be a statistic or revelation about the effectiveness of your product or service.

Add Social Proof

People are more likely to buy when they see other people buying. This is called social proof. If you have a lot of positive reviews, testimonials, or comments, make sure to add these to your website. The best way to get social proof is to ask customers to leave reviews. You can also use customer service emails to collect feedback from happy customers.

The most important thing to remember when collecting customer feedback is to be honest and transparent. Don’t try to hide negative reviews or delete them if they’re posted. Customers want to know what’s going on behind the scenes.

Offer Free Samples

If you offer free samples, people will be more likely to buy from you because they feel like they are getting something for nothing. This is especially true when you offer examples of products that are new or unique.

When you offer free samples, you give potential customers a chance to try your product before buying it. You are essentially offering them a taste test. The best thing about offering free samples is that it allows you to get feedback from your target audience. By doing this, you can learn what works well and what doesn’t work at all.

Use Free Marketing Tools

You can use many tools for free to gain insight into your visitors and site performance.  Google has free SEO and marketing tools which we have detailed in another business blog post.
