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6 Business Entity Mistakes To Avoid In Your Startup

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Business entry mistakes are common; more  than half of startups fail within the first few years. Why? Starting a business is exciting and fun but has a severe side. Fulfilling all the necessary steps and requirements, including startup funding, choosing a business structure, and operating with a business plan, are required to ensure your startup avoids common mistakes.

There are several reasons for creating your own business, but none exclude you from needing to do the basics well. For example, it doesn’t matter your reason for starting a business; the most important thing is gaining insight into business structures and their legal requirements before deciding the type of business to venture into. How? You can search online using keywords like ‘difference between LLC and sole proprietorship‘ or ‘most common business structures individuals prefer to try.

Choosing the most appropriate business structure for your startup is just one requirement; many more errors can be avoided.

Avoiding Startup Mistakes

Once you’ve settled on your preferred type of business structure, avoid these common mistakes so your new business can get off to a great start and on its journey to success, including:

  • Choosing an inappropriate name
  • Operating without a business plan
  • Avoiding research on everything
  • No marketing strategy
  • No Competitor Analysis

1. Selecting An Inappropriate Name

Choosing a business name is essential and more tasking than most people perceive. You will need to take your time in creating an appealing business name that customers can easily remember. Moreover, you’d want a term describing your products before registering your firm.

Otherwise, failure to do that might cause you to end up operating at a loss. It is especially true if you come up with a random brand name without researching and incorporating the right tips on how to do so. Such a name may not be outstanding; hence, it won’t likely be thrilling and attractive to customers. As a result, you may not gain customers nor improve your bottom line. So, take your time and select your business name wisely.

2. Failure To Have A Business Plan

In as much as you may have a good business idea, it’s fundamental that you have a business plan. An adage goes, ‘Failure to plan is planning to fail.’ Thus, if you don’t have a business plan for your firm, chances are high that you might lose direction when operating it.

The reason is that a business plan is like a road map for the firm. It details the company’s objectives, analyzes if they’re attainable, and outlines ways to achieve them. Some of the things you’d want to incorporate as you create a business plan include:

  • The company description, including name and location
  • Description of the product or service
  • Business goals
  • Estimated budget
  • Your financial projections
  • Marketing strategies
  • Target market
  • Executive summary
  • Resources

Making this plan may be involving and time-consuming, but you’ll enjoy the benefits that come with it.

3. Lack Of Proper Market Research

Avoid starting a business entity without doing adequate research. Market research can help you know your product or service’s feasibility before selling. Moreover, you’ll ascertain consumer tastes and preferences and what’s trending in the market.
A lack of proper market research can cause the following problems:

  • Indecision and inaction
  • Lack of awareness of competitive advantages
  • Increased operational and strategic risk
  • Losses that can cause you to close the business

If you want to avoid such issues, do proper market research and take note of all the vital information you get from it.

4. Failure To Have A Marketing Strategy

Another big mistake you should avoid is failing to employ marketing strategies because they’ll help your business become more visible to your target market. It’s difficult for customers to be aware of your products and services if you don’t advertise. Thus, in the long run, your business will likely fail.
In this regard, it would be best that you research and incorporate strategies like:

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Search Engine Optimization

All these can help your business maintain demand, relevance, and reputation.

5. Not Considering Your Competitors

It would be unwise if you overlooked your competitors when starting your business. Considering you’re new to the industry, you won’t know the following if you don’t research your competitors:

  • What other firms are offering
  • Their prices
  • How they’re handling their customers
  • Some challenges that you might face in the long run
  • How other firms use IT to make their businesses better
  • Their design and brand values
  • How they distribute their products


An example of the importance of knowing your competitors and what they’re doing is if you started selling hotdogs at USD$20 and your competitor is selling at USD$10.

What are the chances of customers buying from you when your product costs so much more? Eager that most of them will go to the other seller with a similar product that’s more affordable. Also, the price range between you and your competitor is too high. There should be a slight price variation between you and your competitors if you want to attract more customers.

Therefore, you have to research your competition to avoid making such mistakes. Some of the ways to know who your competitors are plus their culture include:

  • Asking from local business directories
  • Checking press reports
  • Googling on the internet

These, plus many other sources, can give you appropriate information to help you devise ways to do better. Thus, you’ll differentiate your products and services and set competitive prices. That way, you’ll gain a competitive advantage and attract more customers.

6. Underestimating The Importance Of Networking

Sometimes, you may be reluctant to interact with other business owners because you’re scared they may steal your ideas. The other reason may be that you’re super busy to the point where you have limited time to have meaningful interactions with people. In this regard, knowing that networking does better than harm is essential.

The reason why networking is good is that it allows you to:

  • Learn from experts
  • Find new clients, thus expanding your market
  • Form long-lasting business associations and partnerships
  • Raise your business profile
  • Strive to do better to grow your startup
  • Marketing opportunities
  • Strengthen business connections
  • Boost your confidence

Investing your time in networking is one of the best aspects to help kick-start your business from the ground and make it thrive.


Starting a business has many benefits, including flexibility and being your boss. However, to enjoy these benefits, you must follow the correct procedures when starting the business.

Some mistakes you’d want to avoid include failure to know your competitors, lack of proper market research, an inappropriate business name, failure to employ appropriate marketing strategies, and not having a business plan. Try your best to prevent them so you can attract customers and have one of the most outstanding businesses.
