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Who Drinks the Most Coffee at Work

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who drinks the most coffee

Coffee beans contain caffeine but have other beneficial compounds, such as chlorogenic acid. The average American drinks three cups of coffee daily, and nearly two-thirds of all adults drink it daily, so it’s good to know in moderation that it’s actually good for you. Learn more about these nutrients and their potential health benefits. Plus, find out which professions are the biggest coffee drinkers.

Coffee has been consumed for centuries by people around the world. It’s often considered an essential part of daily life, but many questions surround its use. Does drinking coffee really improve your health? And how much should you drink?

Caffeine Boosts Brain Function

There are many reasons why people enjoy drinking coffee. One reason is that it contains caffeine, a stimulant that helps boost brain function. In addition, coffee contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which help protect against diseases like cancer. Coffee generally contains caffeine, a stimulant that increases alertness and energy levels.

However, some studies suggest that too much caffeine can cause headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and other adverse side effects. Conversely, moderate amounts of caffeine can boost brain function, increase focus, and help prevent memory loss.

Chlorogenic Acid Protects Against Cancer

Chlorogenic acids are found in green coffee beans and are responsible for much of the antioxidant activity of coffee. They are thought to prevent certain cancers by inhibiting enzymes involved in cell growth. Studies show that chlorogenic acids inhibit the formation of tumors in animals.

Many studies show that coffee consumption is linked to lower cancer rates. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that men who drank at least four cups of coffee daily had a 30 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who didn’t consume coffee. Another study from Harvard University showed that women who drank three to five cups of coffee each day were less likely to develop breast cancer than those who drank fewer than two cups.

Caffeine May Help Fight Diabetes

Several studies show that people who drink coffee regularly tend to have lower rates of type 2 diabetes than those who do not drink coffee. In fact, some research suggests that drinking three cups of coffee daily may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 30 percent. However, there is no evidence that coffee prevents type 1 diabetes.

Caffeine Can Be Good For Your Heart

Chlorogenic acids found in coffee beans may help protect against cardiovascular diseases. One study showed that people with high levels of chlorogenic acids had significantly lower blood pressure than those without them. Another study showed that women who drank two cups of coffee daily had a 20 percent lower risk of coronary artery disease than those who did not drink coffee.

Caffeine Reduces Stress

While caffeine is the main compound in coffee, several other compounds contribute to its flavor and aroma. These include antioxidants, polyphenols, and chlorogenic acids. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals, which cause cell damage. Polyphenols are plant chemicals that act as anti-inflammatory agents. Chlorogenic acids are natural phenolic acids that occur naturally in plants. They are responsible for the bitter taste of coffee.


There are many different types of coffee available today. Some coffees contain caffeine, while others do not. Try decaf if you want to enjoy the benefits of coffee without the adverse effects. Decaf coffee has less than 0.05 percent caffeine, so it won’t cause headaches or jitters. You can find decaf at most grocery stores and coffee shops.  Plus, you can get cold coffee drinks, too, so even on the hottest day, you can get your caffeine fix.

Professions That Drink The Most Coffee

Do you know which professions drink the most coffee? A hint is that coffee drinking will be more prevalent if the job is stressful. The top position is the work of a Scientist or Lab Technician.

1. Scientist or Lab Technician

With the pandemic and the need to create vaccines to protect us, it is understandable that Scientists and their laboratory technicians would be heavy drinkers of coffee. The pressure was on to create an effective vaccine for COVID-19, and the work began in the lab.

2. Marketing and PR Consultants

Lead generation and brand reputation experts are constantly pressured to deliver measurable client results. Competition for eyeballs, engagement, and conversions starts with marketing, and it’s why digital marketing is essential.

Marketers must craft digital marketing campaigns that fill the pipeline of customer leads for salespeople to convert to actual customers.  If there were just a few strategies to use, the job would be less stressful. However, new marketing initiatives are popping up all the time, including virtual marketing. To trial and use, marketers are always multi-tasking making their jobs stressful. Taking a coffee break every couple of hours makes sense.

PR consultants often have to create damage control campaigns for their customers. Coordinating with marketers and digital advertising agencies to craft and release simultaneous messages to the marketplace can be hit and miss – no wonder PR Consultants are good coffee drinkers.


See the infographic below to determine which other professions need a regular cup of coffee during their workday.
