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5 Tips to Successful Remote Employee Management for Small Businesses

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The presence of remote workers is booming—and why wouldn’t it if everyone knew 80% of them have reduced job stress? More business models are using remote work as a healthy, cost-efficient, and creative business strategy.  Plus there’s more to it which is a win for workers, management and the business!

Less micro-management and more collaboration via online resources are upping productivity rates, ingenuity which is changing many aspects of the business for the better.  Even still, working remotely is its own skill set — for both the employees and those managing them.  Robust remote employee management creates a strong cohesive remote team. It’s true that a team’s only as strong as its weakest member, so remote work needs a strategy and measurement.

Whether your staff works remotely full-time or part-time, here are some tips to ensure success so everyone is a winner in the new normal that is our post-pandemic lives.

Remote Employee Management

In this digital age, it’s easy to transition to remote work. Just think for a second, how challenging work would be if we didn’t have the internet, unlimited data and fast connectivity.  We take these developments in our stride and now the focus is on how technology makes virtual success possible for businesses worldwide.  But like all innovations, the little things can get in the way and new technology does take time to get it right so over time there will be many software updates fixing coding errors, and improving the user experience.  However, it takes a lot more than technology to get a perfect strategy for remote teamwork.

Connection, communication, and cohesion are necessary for a successful remote team.  Here’s how to build them.

1. Communicating With Employees

From technical difficulties to varying geographies, keeping tabs on staff can be difficult. Aim to connect with employees separately and collectively to keep everyone communicating. There should be an equal balance between one-on-one in-house coaching and teamwork.

2. Regular Team Meetings

Remote work is known for flexible work hours, but smart flexibility needs some structure. Having regular team meetings—whether that’s daily or weekly—keeps everyone on a consistent schedule.

Be sure to account for time changes and communicate about being timely. Working remotely doesn’t mean lowering workplace standards.

3. Assigning Remote Projects

Team meetings are a good way to hold staff accountable for their remote projects. Give your team a timeline for their current goals, as well as those upcoming. Fueling staff with future tasks can prevent any lag in group performance.

4. Self-Organization Techniques

It’s important not to allow your staff to depend on you for delegation. Successful remote workers are natural self-starters and entrepreneurs. Connecting with your team means you know their strengths and weaknesses, and they do too.

Successful businesses reflect our relationships with ourselves. Keeping your staff self-aware allows for them to develop personal goals in addition to team goals.

5. Set Standards

When done correctly, the benefits outweigh the costs of working remotely. If done poorly, remote work can make your team feel scattered, disorganized, and messy. Setting realistic standards for your team creates a structured blueprint.

Remote work’s easy with communication, connection, and cohesion—starting with effective remote employee management.

Boost Your Business With Remote Workers

If you’ve considered shaking up your business model, consider the benefits of remote workers. Only you’ll know if remote work is right for your business, your staff, and your remote employee management style.

Remote work can benefit you and your team in the following ways.

  1. Saves commute costs
  2. Promotes creativity
  3. Shows a strong skillset
  4. Can boost efficiency
  5. Supports job satisfaction

Talk to your team about transitioning to remote work. The success of your business model is in your hands! For more on business management strategies, check out our latest blog posts.

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