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Awesome Online Business Ideas for 2019

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freelance writer tips

It seems like everyone is making money online these days, whether they’re selling top video editing software on their ecommerce website or blogging and making money from affiliate links.

The fact is, the face of the American economy is changing, and now many people are working remotely and making money from online side hustles. Whether you’re a student looking for a little bit of extra cash, or you’re an entrepreneur who wants to start making money online, there are lots of ways you can create a successful online business. That’s why we’ve put together this list.

If you want to learn more about some of the best online business ideas for 2019, take a look at our list – one of them will be the right fit for you!

1. Blogging

One of the most classic ways of making money online is by blogging. And even though there are tons of new blogs being started daily, it seems to always work as a business idea. That’s because there are endless topics you can write about. Find out what interests you and what would attract a niche audience, and start posting regularly using SEO practices and fun writing styles. Once you have a big enough following, you can make money from ad space, affiliate links, or products you sell on your website!

Considering that US bloggers are projected to have a readership of 31.7 million by 2020, you can do quite well!

2. Ebook author

This is another great idea for anyone who’s a good writer. If you think you can write an ebook that would sell, whether that’s a guide to starting a business in your industry or a romance book, you can make some money from creating an ebook. This is also a great form of passive income, which means that once you’ve finished the book and advertised it online, you can make money every time someone buys it without having to put in extra effort!

In 2017, publishers sold 162 million eBooks, which is an impressive number!

3. Virtual assistant

With so many businesses going remote these days, and so many entrepreneurs building startups from the ground up, there’s a huge demand for virtual assistants. Basically, it’s like being an administrative assistant, but doing it from home. If you have this kind of experience already, such as answering emails and organizing calendars, going remote is an easy switch. Once you’ve built up your experience, you can start charging more per hour as you get more clients.

In Australia, the average virtual assistant salary is $5,600 a month, so make sure to check out companies looking for VAs there!

4. Digital marketing services

These days, all businesses need strong digital marketing in order to survive. And even though many entrepreneurs try to juggle running a business with running all their social media accounts, they eventually find that it’s too much work for them. By simply taking a course with a company like HubSpot or GenM and getting the training and experience required, you can become a master at digital marketing. Once you’ve done that, you can provide your services to almost any company and build up a client list fast.

5. Freelance designer

If you’re a creative and visual person, then you could make a lot of money as a freelance designer. Because so many businesses require visual skills for designing their websites and logos, there’s a lot of demand for someone with your skills. Set up a fancy website, start freelancing, and up your rates as you get more experience.

6. ESL Teacher

Teaching English is one of those jobs that never goes out of style because so many people in the world want to learn this language. If you’ve already got teaching experience, then it’s easy to get started; if you work even harder and get a CELTA degree, you can ask for higher pay with lots of online companies. Once you’ve got enough experience, you can work for yourself, setting up a website and blogging about English grammar rules to attract more customers.

There are an estimated 1.5 billion English learners around the globe, so this is a great market to work in!

7. Translator

If you know a lot of languages or speak a popular language like Spanish or French, think about becoming a translator. Lots of companies need documents translated, and as you build up your client list, you’ll become more trusted, making more money over time.

8. Freelance writer

When it comes to companies getting attention online, one of the best ways to get online users onto their website is by providing high-quality content. From ebook PDFs to blog posts that answer common questions, quizzes, and newsletters, there’s a ton of content entrepreneurs need to run a successful company. So once you’ve established yourself as a freelance writer, you can make a lot of money.

In 2017, 17 percent of freelancers reported feeling as financially secure or more financially secure than they felt the year before, which shows that with the way the economy is changing, you can do quite well in the freelancing economy.

These are some of the best online business ideas for 2019. What other online businesses do you think would be successful in 2019?
