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Why are your goals so hard to achieve?

This is God’s way of seeing what you’re made of. Your true character is revealed under pressure, not success. The distractions of life. Have you ever felt really busy? Does it seem like everyday is that way? Sometimes you may wonder how in the world did things ever get so busy for you. You’re not sure if your time management is bad,

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4 steps to starting a business

This is God’s way of seeing what you’re made of. Your true character is revealed under pressure, not success.

The distractions of life

Have you ever felt really busy? Does it seem like everyday is that way? Sometimes you may wonder how in the world did things ever get so busy for you. You’re not sure if your time management is bad, or if more and more tasks are being piled on you everyday. You work hard all day, but you still feel like you hardly accomplished anything, why is that?

Life has a way of filling any voids of time you have available. But have you ever examined the tasks that fill your time? The distractions of life are often predictable and manageable. I would challenge you to look at your priorities.

Got priorities?

I know you have priorities of family, work, etc. But have your prioritized your goals? Prioritizing your goals can be challenging if you have not defined what your goals are.

I have somewhat moved you to the end of the goal setting system by discussing the tasks and priorities of goals. But this also helped you reveal what may be the true problem of why goals are so hard. The goals have not been clearly identified and written down.

The system of goals

So let’s define what a goal is for you. A goal is the object of a person’s ambition or effort, an aim or desired result, the destination of a journey. Understanding where you want to get to makes it a lot easier to take the steps to get there.

The basic system of goals is as follows.

  1. Identify the goal and the time frame for its achievement (7 years is nice time line).
  2. Identify where you are now in relation to your goal.
  3. Chunk the goal into yearly chunks.
  4. Take the first year chunk and chunk it into twelve monthly chunks.
  5. Take the first month and chunk it down into weekly chunks.
  6. Take the first week of the month and chunk it down into a daily task(s).

If you’re a real ambitious person who loves details, you can further identify the obstacles to achieving your goal. This is a recommend step, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. The most important part is the six steps above.

So how do you put it into action?

The daily and weekly tasks you wrote down will become your priority items. When you start scheduling your priorities you will make consistent daily, weekly, and monthly progress towards those important goals you have. It’s the scheduling of priorities that will help you make your goals easier to achieve.

So pick your most important goal, just one, and start the six step process above. You can do it, I believe in you.

Be awesome and take action.
