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Facebook vs Instagram: Which Platform Is Better For Your Next Marketing Campaign?

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There is no doubt that social media is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy, but it can be challenging to narrow down with so many to choose from which is best for your business. Your marketing budget isn’t big enough to hit them all.

Two of the biggest social media sites are Facebook and Instagram. We’ll examine the differences and similarities between these two sites, so you can decide when choosing between Facebook vs. Instagram.

Don’t let another day go by without your ads and posts on one or both influential social media sites.

Facebook Vs. Instagram: A Quick Look

Facebook is the oldest of the two media platforms, with billions of subscribers.

People post everything from their moods, videos, pictures, and more thoughts of the day. Facebook has different protocols for personal pages and business pages. People can use Facebook messenger to talk to each other, and it has a total Pay Per Click and boosted post-paid advertising system.

Instagram is incredibly popular with millennials and has many of the same abilities as Facebook. People can communicate and post pictures and videos, which is significant in influencer marketing. It doesn’t have a gaming platform like Facebook and is more suited for mobile devices.

When people share pictures on Facebook, they tend to be haphazard and not professional. Instagram photos are often photoshopped and designed to look professionally taken.

Which Is Better for Engagement?

If you’re looking to reach the most people organically, i.e., without paying, then Instagram is the leader. It is known to have a much higher reach than non-boosted Facebook posts. The social media giant created Instagram shopping that increases engagement, but this makes cost money.

Facebook has a shallow organic reach because of changes to the algorithm in recent years. Businesses can post, and hardly any followers will see it unless boosted. A boosted post requires money to increase the reach of your existing followers and beyond.

When it comes to ads, Facebook’s ability to laser target audiences thanks to its data collection makes it the leader over Instagram. If you’re looking to attract a more significant subset of people, Facebook is the choice.

If you’re a brand that focuses on the younger generation and your products or services lend themselves well to photos and videos, Instagram is a better choice. It’s the social media platform of choice for millennials and Gen Z.

A paid media strategist could provide the best information on these two sites.

Cost of Running Ads

The cost of pay-per-click advertising is a significant factor for many businesses. Regarding the average cost per click, Facebook is the overall leader as it has a more extensive subject matter and a higher rate of subscribers.

Instagram rates can be extremely low, but certain niches can see cost-per-click rates more than double the Facebook average. Still, given the younger generations’ love of the platform, it might be worth the cost. The ultimate decider is how big of a budget you have for these sites.

Smaller budgets might do better on Facebook because of targeting, but higher budgets can pay the higher cost-per-click rates of Instagram.

Choose the Social Media Platform for Your Business

Regarding Facebook vs. Instagram, the major decider is the audience and type of campaign. Facebook has a low organic reach but higher subscribers and better ad targeting. Instagram has higher engagement and is popular with younger people, but the ad system isn’t as robust as Facebook’s.
Please explore our site to learn more about social media management and advertising.
