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Wi-Fi Design Guide For Speed, Coverage & Security

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time management

Remote working is the preference of many workers. However, some employers are reluctant to let it continue now the workplace is open.

Of course, during the lockdowns, businesses had no choice if work was to happen then staff needed to work from home.

If you want to put your case across to your employers that remote working should be the norm, then you’ll need to come up with some proof that it’s a win for the business.

There are many positives for remote working that you can present to your employer. However, before you put your list together, you’ll need to prove your home has a Wi-Fi design that provides adequate internet coverage, speed and security.

Accessing the company network remotely via an unsecured connection is an invitation to hackers and cybercrime. So you’ll need to prove you’ve got a secure internet connection.

Plus, collaboration tools like Zoom for meetings and workflow software like Microsoft Teams require fast internet connectivity. You’ll need to prove your Wi-Fi set up is up to the task, so there is no down-time during normal work hours.

Wi-Fi Set-Up

In this article, we look at how you can get the perfect Wi-Fi set up, so you and the other members of your household get a fast and effective internet connection all day, every day that’s also secure. Then you can present your case for remote working. 🙂


With cybercrime at an all-time high, with more DDoS attacks and phishing, businesses need to cautious about who has remote access to their networks.

In this Wi-Fi Design Guide, encryption is said to be the way to make internet connections secure. It’s likely your home Wi-Fi may just be using WPA, which is not considered secure now, and that you should be using WPA2-AES.

WPA is a security protocol but it has been superseded and your home Wi-Fi should upgrade so you can prove to your employer that your internet access is secure.

Speed & Coverage

To improve the speed and coverage of your home Wi-Fi, it needs careful configuration. Its design or architecture will include:

  • Load balancing
  • Minimal SSIDs (networks)
  • Use of Dual-Band equipment

Start with getting a site survey of your existing Wi-Fi set up.

Use an expert to do this review for you and provide the design and configure your Wi-Fi set up so your home has what you need to confidently access the business network and collaboration tools.

Make sure you know how to manage passwords so you can update them for improved security. Sharing passwords and weak logins are a sure way to compromise access to your online systems and the business network.

When you have the correct Wi-Fi design, you can move ahead with confidence and present your remote working reasons.

Why Remote Working Is The Now

Here are a few reasons why workers are reluctant to return to the workplace full time.


With fewer distractions from colleagues, remote workers can concentrate and get more work done in less time. Did you know the average number of productive hours per person in the office is less than three hours?

Working from home in a dedicated room or area is sure to improve on three hours of productivity, and any improvement is good news for the business.

Less Cost

Fewer people in the workplace results in less operating costs for the business. There will be fewer cups of tea and fewer comfort breaks. Also, less wear and tear on office equipment and furniture.

Remote workers need less work attire, and transport costs are less to as there’s no cost to walk to the home office!

Less Sick Days

An improved work-life balance and less stress getting to and from work are healthier for staff. Less sick days and the business benefits from the higher output, and this should translate into more sales, higher revenue and a better bottom line.


There will always be some businesses that hold back on allowing staff to remote work irrespective of the undeniable benefits. However, if their reluctance is just your Wi-Fi set up then you can prove it’s secure and fast and present your case for working away from the workplace at least some of the week.
