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How Indoor Mapping Improves Smart Workplace Safety

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Indoor mapping is a technology that creates detailed 3D models of indoor space. The indoor mapping software has many other uses for improving your smart office’s safety in a post-COVID world. For example, you can use real-time data to view your building’s emergency escapes and the occupation status of rooms.

How does it work? The software uses sensors to collect data about the environment and combines it with information about building layout and construction materials to produce accurate representations of interior space. This allows users to navigate the building’s indoor maps using virtual reality headsets.

Everyone is more aware of their surroundings and proximity to each other, creating a new mindset on hygiene and what is needed to make it safe to be near other people.  Workplace guidelines and safety procedures have had to catch up.

Health and safety policies and procedures require more time and resources. Indoor mapping is proving useful in this regard with its, which improves your workspaces into smart offices.

There are many ways to improve the safety of your smart workplace with indoor mapping technology.

Indoor Mapping In The Workplace Post COVID

Let’s delve into some opportunities you have to improve smart workplace safety post-COVID!

Enable Real-Time Room Capacity Data

When an employee wants to find a space to work, indoor mapping software can show them the real-time capacity of shared rooms and offices, helping them see which spaces are busy and quiet without physically visiting them and checking.

This reduces downtime for your employees, but it also helps to keep up social distancing by limiting the number of offices and meeting rooms that are cramped and busy.

Enforce Social Distancing Through-Routes

By assessing real-time map data, indoor positioning technology could calculate the best way to an employee’s destination without forcing them to pass many people.

While it might not always be the fastest or most convenient route to guarantee employee health and safety, avoiding other employees may be a priority for some time after COVID as social distancing continues to be in effect for some time.

Allow Employees To Book Rooms & Spaces Remotely

It’s simple to combine indoor positioning technology with room-booking UI that makes it simple for an employee to see whether a room is available or not, book it, and then complete the booking process without speaking to a receptionist see the room physically in person.

This is a great way for employees to ensure that they’re keeping up with social distancing by limiting how much physical movement they must perform to book a meeting room.

Locate The Nearest Safety Equipment

Whether COVID-related or not, sometimes accidents and medical emergencies require immediate attention before the emergency services can arrive on the scene to help. In this event, indoor mapping software can show a passerby employee the closest fire extinguisher location, first aid kit, or CPR kit.

This can reduce panic, giving the passerby employee a fast and easy way to find immediate relief for the situation at hand. Whether you need to put out a fire or assist someone who just collapsed, it’s always handy to have a fast, direct route to the nearest PPE.

Streamline Cleaning & Maintenance Teams

Cleaning and maintenance are critical in a smart workplace – or any workplace.

With indoor mapping software equipped with real-time capacity, cleaning and maintenance staff can reduce their downtime by heading straight to the empty and quiet spaces first, coming into contact with the least number of people possible.

Indoor mapping software also makes it easier for employees to report problems to these team members and use geolocation to tag the location of a spill, pipe leak, broken computer, or anything else that could be causing an issue.


Hybrid working is when workers spend part of the week in the workplace and the other half in their home office. It is more popular than full-time remote working and this pleases businesses that probably would prefer they were in the workplace full-time. However, software and technology provide solutions to the challenges businesses face with tasks like onboarding staff, team communication, and workflow management. Plus, with indoor mapping, businesses can now assure their workers they are safe in the workplace.

There are many types of emergencies for quick response that need active management of spaces, including fires, weather events, and national extreme events. Knowing in real-time which rooms people are in and managing their exit in an emergency is one example of where indoor mapping software is making a difference to workplace safety and providing peace of mind to businesses everywhere.
