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3 Ways to Maximise Health and Safety Benefits for Businesses

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Health and Safety laws don’t just protect workers. In fact, compliance with regulations like COSHH (the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations) can produce huge advantages for businesses.

An agency that provides staff with a safe, supportive and comfortable environment increases the likelihood of better morale, which can improve performance and success rates.

But what can leaders do once the basic standards are met to maximise Health and Safety benefits? These three tips explore how.

1. Legal Specialists

A legal specialist will have a precise and in-depth understanding of all health and safety laws. With expert assistance, companies could meet regulations at a higher level and easily manage to sustain this. An advisor with a specific area focus – like laws in the hospitality industry – can help to guarantee protection for workers in a particular business environment.

This could be particularly useful for any regulation changes that could occur due to Brexit.

2. Speak Up

Corporate Social Responsibility is already a priority for most companies – and rightly so. But thanks to global movements like the #MeToo Campaign, more people than ever are taking action to stamp out discrimination for good. And this extends to the workplace.

It is a legal requirement to give staff the freedom to report instances of injustice to employers. There is a way to further reduce the risk of tension and unease at work: giving the team regular opportunities to voice concern over behaviour and attitudes in the workplace.

This can be achieved through weekly 121 or group meetings. Issuing a survey or questionnaire to all workers can be a helpful way to gain insight into which would benefit employees the most.

Regular discussions on relevant issues may also help employees identify triggers for stress. As a result, leaders can increase awareness of mental health within their company and go above and beyond government laws in this area.

3. Mental Health

Mental Health campaigns have inspired discussions on emotional health and well-being in everyday life, including the workplace. Last year, leading figures at large organisations like Channel 4, WH Smith and Ford wrote an open letter urging the Prime Minister to deliver on her promise to improve mental health support for all UK residents.

Mental health, therefore, is a bigger priority than ever in the corporate and industrial sectors. And it’s not surprising why. Providing workers with immediate access to emotional support and counselling can improve staff performance and heighten company profit and growth.

A solid commitment to mental health services could also help a company improve its reputation in its industry – an outcome that will increase its appeal to potential investors.


Health and Safety compliance in the workplace is more than a fad, and many countries now have legislation in place, so businesses need to adhere to the legal requirements. Check out these health and safety checklists to guide your business and workers to tasks required in critical areas of mental and physical well-being and safety at work.

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