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10 Goal Setting Tips

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A specific goal is a goal that incorporates an action plan that outlines how you will achieve the goal and a performance measure that tells you how you will evaluate the purpose.

Below are some tips on how to achieve your goals.

1. Select Goals that are Worthwhile

The purpose of goal setting is to move forward and achieve positive change. A goal has to be motivating, specific, achievable, and realistic. If the plan doesn’t have these qualities, don’t bother with it; you will just be disappointed.

2. Select Goals that are Achievable

Everyone knows there is no point in setting a goal that you will never accomplish; all you will do is end up getting frustrated and abandoning it. A plan needs to stretch you in some fashion. Also, a goal needs to be engaging, so you don’t get bored.

3. Select Goals that are Specific

When you select your goal, don’t make it too vague. When setting your goal, use a goal-setting formula that incorporates a strategy or strategies for accomplishing the goal. For example, if you want to increase sales, don’t just write as your goal, “I will increase sales.” This goal is too general.

4. Dedicate Time and Energy to your Goal

You will need to commit to your goal. You will need to write down your destination and the steps to achieving it, and plan for any obstacles you foresee as this will often prevent many of them from occurring. Remember that reaching your goal is not an overnight process. You will have to set time aside to work on your plan.

5. Make Your Goals Public

Making your goal public (even to one other person) will bring out your best efforts as you will feel accountable to another person. It will also give you the staying power you need to accomplish the goals. Having a person to talk to regularly encourages us to make regular and steady progress. You can also surround yourself with successful, motivated people who also set challenging goals

6. Listing your Goals

You will need to list/prioritise your goals and have a plan to on how and when you’re going to achieve them. Goals do not need to be huge projects that take months or years to achieve. Divide your goal into monthly or quarterly increments that allow you to build on your momentum. This produces measurable, attainable, and short-term goals to pursue. Focus on attainable goals that you can realistically reach within the year.

7. Personalise your Goals

Making your goals real to you is a way to approach the process of accomplishment. Some techniques, such as visualization to focus on the goal, are potent tools. Also, you can post pictures that represent success, so you view them daily. Remember to use affirmations when writing your goals down.

8. Make a Deadline

Set a deadline to achieve your goal. A goal without a deadline will not be achieved. You will not be fully committed to the goal and will be less motivated to achieve it.

9. Evaluation your Goals

You will need to evaluate your goals, which is an integral part of the process. Think about what you did, how you did it, and what you got out of it. Evaluating your goals helps you determine if you are going in the right direction and lets you make any necessary adjustments to achieve the goal.

10. Reward Yourself

When you accomplish your goal, remember the time and effort it took to get this success, so take time to celebrate your success.

Remember – Take action. Don’t procrastinate

All the planning in the world will not help you achieve your goals. You must take action. Once you have determined your goal, take action within 24 hours. This will set the wheels in motion and create the necessary momentum you need.
