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How to Make Employees Happy Without a Raise

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family run businesses

Happy employees are generally much more productive, that’s great for your bottom line. But, despite what you may think, making your employees happy doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money.

In fact, in many circumstances, you’ll find it’s easier to make your employees happy without remortgaging the business!

Here are some great ways to boost employee happiness without offering more pay:

Make Them Part Of The Firm

There is a big difference between coming to work every day and feeling like what you’re doing actually matters. An employee who feels valued will be happier and work harder.

It’s not difficult to make your employees feel valued, simply speak to them, specifically thanking them for a job well done is always a good option.

You can also announce their success to the rest of the team, and you should always offer promotions in-house.

Team Building

The next biggest thing is to make sure your team gets along well together. It can be hard to get to know each other in a work environment, take your employees out of the office and introduce them to a good time together.

There are plenty of corporate team building ideas you can utilize, they should be fun and will help the team to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses. In turn, this will help them to appreciate and rely on each other more in the workplace. This will make the workplace happier.

Vacation Time

Who wouldn’t appreciate a little vacation time? By offering a few extra days a year, you’ll quickly win the hearts and minds of your team, making them happier.

The fact that staff feel good after a vacation and are happier at work is simply a bonus!


When there are issues in the business, it can often seem hard to find the best solution. However, one resource that is often left untapped is the general worker. These people deal with the issue every day and are most likely to have a workable solution.

Asking their opinions, and making sure that communication channels are open in both directions, is certain to improve the happiness of all your employees. Once again, they’ll feel like what they think matters.

This increases happiness, productivity and reduces staff leaving rates. Not having to train new staff is also good for your bottom line.

The Career Path

If you’re near the bottom of the workforce, then you may feel that there is nowhere for you to go. However, if there is an established career path, with clear indications of what is needed and expected from any employee, every employee has the opportunity to improve their career.

This will boost happiness for all your employees.

Lead By Example

If the boss is happy, then the employees are likely to be happy. That’s why you must portray the same image that you want your employees to have. Smiling and happiness really is contagious. Make the most of this simple trick.
