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6 Time-tested Ways To Increase Productivity at Work

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Workplace productivity is a big issue for business owners and corporate organizations. That’s why a lot of investment goes into simplifying the work process so employees can get the job done more effectively.

Since the amount of time we spend at work is limited, it only makes sense that we make every second count. But how do you increase your output without putting in more hours of work? Is there a way to do more in less time?

This is exactly what will be covered in this article. Below, you’ll find 6 proven strategies that you can basically use to boost your productivity.

1. Break your tasks into small chunks

Working at a long stretch without taking a break might seem like a great way to achieve more. Actually, it’s the wrong approach to work. Studies show that working at a task without any breaks leads to a gradual decline in performance.

On the contrary, breaking up your tasks into small chunks improves your concentration level. When you take your eyes off the job even for a few moments, you gain fresh perspectives that you can use to solve problems easily.

2. Make proper use of your free time

What do you do during the launch breaks when you’re not at your desk working? Do you go playing online games or spend the entire time at the cafeteria? Although you’re at liberty to decide how you want to spend your free time, it’s advisable to spend it on things that can improve your productivity level.

You could take a power nap, watch self-development videos, do some light exercises, meditate, take light refreshments, or go for a walk. All these are proven productivity boosters and they’re easy to do.

3. Avoid distractions

Distractions are the biggest enemies of productivity. They throw you off balance and make you lose concentration. Therefore, you must, by all means, eliminate whatever is capable of reducing your output no matter how enticing they are.

No unnecessary chats with your colleagues, no sliding into your mobile phones for social media updates, no checking of emails, text messages, or voicemails. If your work requires being online on social media, then you must be disciplined enough to check what’s relevant to your work. Turn off all irrelevant notifications and so you don’t miss out on what’s important.

4. Be accountable

Every organization has a way to measure overall employee performance. They put in place different tools to ensure that everyone is doing the right thing at the right time. These tools perform functions such as tracking the computer behavior of employees, showing how employees are solving customers’ problems, visualizing workflow among workers and tracking real-time engagement.

In truth, these tools are powerful on their own but if you look at it properly, you’d find out that they’re nothing compared to being accountable to yourself. Accountability helps you to crush your goals almost effortlessly because the motivation comes from within. So instead of being coerced to action, it’s your inner watchdog that pushes you to do more and that’s what makes the difference.

5. Set deadlines for yourself

It’s natural to feel relaxed whenever there’s an open-ended assignment to execute. There’s nothing really pushing you to complete the task as there’s no definite turnaround time. In situations like this, it’s always best to set self-imposed deadlines to challenge yourself.

Deadlines are great productivity boosters. Having a deadline awakens a certain consciousness within you which helps you to eliminate procrastination. You’d be shocked how far you can go when there’s a timer before you reminding you of how much time you have left. You’ll feel at my best whenever you’ve put a deadline to a task and the stricter the deadline, the more focused you’ll get.

6. Be smart

Smartness and productivity work hand-in-hand. You can’t be productive without being smart. It’s plain simple. The amazing thing about being smart is that there are no set rules and decisions are made based on what produces the best result at any given time.

For example, people say that doing the hardest tasks first is the ultimate recipe for productivity. However, that doesn’t seem to work out all the time. At times, it’s better to apply the two-minute rule. The idea of the rule, according to David Allen, is that if you see a task or action that can be completed within two minutes or less, do it immediately.
