Perfecting A Modern Sales Presentation, Pitches!
Since men and women traded to survive, a sales pitch has been a handy tool. Frankly, it encourages people who are otherwise not inclined to buy a product or service. Incredibly simple and unbelievably effective to this very day.
Like all things, though, the sales pitch has evolved. In the past, it was a low-tech affair dominated by macho men. Now, it includes men, women and people of all backgrounds in a much more formal environment. So, the key is to adapt to the times and present a pitch-perfect production.
The following steps will help you do just that.
Step One: Be Prepared
The Boy Scouts have championed this motto for years, and for a good reason. In business, it’s essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a product. Otherwise, selling it becomes harder, especially with a tricky and curious customer. Preparation allows you to have confidence in your ability to tackle difficult questions on the spot. And, the better you are at answering, the more impressed a person is likely to be. It goes without saying the likelihood of making a conversion will increase too.
Step Two: Create A Conversation
Not only do you want to impress customers, but you want to involve them in the process. Why? It’s because personal selling tactics are incredibly effective in 2017. Customers don’t want generic ads but pitches which deal with their specific problems and queries. In the past, this was a difficult thing to do but it’s easier now thanks to social media. On Twitter, particularly, two parties can speak without the need to be in the same room. All you have to do is encourage them to ask questions and provide the relevant contact details.
Step Three: Look The Part
Whether it’s face-to-face or online, customers expect a certain level of professionalism. In simple terms, you have to dress to impress. Wearing a suit and tie is one thing, but incorporating tech is another altogether. A modern-day presentation or sales pitch has everything from an overhead projector to apps which are easy to download. However, showing them off and using them are two different things. So, to make sure they are useful, companies such as STL have training courses. Practice makes perfect, and your sales pitch may be sharp enough to cut with enough training.
Step Four: End With A CTA
“CTA” stands for a “Call to Action,” and it means encouraging customers to make a conversion. A generic CTA may be something such as “click here” or “proceed to checkout.” But, the customer isn’t the only one who can act. Say you have a contact number or address, don’t be afraid to send a text or email. It may be what the individual needs to prompt them into a sale or a concrete act. The trick is to define a CTA before the pitch to not waste time afterwards.
Modern pitches are different to the old school pitches back in the day. Your job is to adapt to the times to generate leads and revenue.