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Office Move Stress And How To Overcome It

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Moving can be a stressful experience for several reasons. Whether you are moving from your home or your business is moving to a workplace, most people don’t take it in their stride. The disruption of routine and the emotional attachment to familiar surroundings causes stress and anxiety in some people.

With an office move, for the planner, the stress usually multiplies by the number of people involved. Project managing a move of ten workers and their workstations is on a different scale to moving 500 workers. Logistics and planning are required to ensure the move is successful.

  • Lack of Planning and Logistics
  • Procrastination
  • Choosing a Moving Provider
  • Managing Staff

Without prior planning, there will be a lack of seamless coordination of actions and tasks to make your office move stress-free. Things start to go awry when assets or people have been overlooked, which is why lack of planning is the leading cause of stress when moving offices.

Moving can involve a lot of logistical challenges, such as finding a new place, packing, organizing, hiring movers, and coordinating with other people. It can be overwhelming to manage all of these tasks and deadlines.

Moving people and assets requires coordination and project management. There is little room for freestyling office moves from the movers to the internal employees.


The next biggest cause of office move stress is procrastination. Many of us have procrastination bred into us, so it can be a difficult habit to break. Just remember that time is your friend in the office moving. We discovered, however, that most people procrastinate because they do not know how or where to start. So we are going to give you a solution to that today. Do an online search on these keywords, ‘moving office checklist,’ and start organizing your move with a project management plan.

Hiring a Moving Company

Hiring a moving company is another leading cause of office moving stress. This is so stressful because there are an overwhelming number of companies, and where do you even begin? Ideally, get a referral, and if that’s not enough, search online and interview prospective moving providers.

Check out testimonials. You can make a spreadsheet with the company name, testimonials, and phone number. After you have completed this list and found a number that seems a good fit, it is only time to get some moving quotes and consider price into the equation. After you have narrowed it down to a few, pull out these super important, deal-breaking questions.

  • Are there any hidden fees?
  • Do they offer a corporate move consultant or move coordinator?
  • What valuation coverage do they offer? (Yes, they are required by law to offer something)
  • Do the proposals cover everything you want to be moved?
  • Are they subcontracting the work?

After asking these questions, I think you will find it very easy to come to a conclusion.

Internal Coordination

Your fellow coworkers can also actually be a significant cause of stress. They may contribute to your stress level simply because they are stressed about the move. So how can you prevent feeding off each other’s focus in the office? One simple tip is to only talk about the action when absolutely necessary.

Many people obsess over it and let it take over the conversation in break rooms and outside of the office at home. Not allowing yourself to talk about it will force your mind to think about other things.
Nonetheless, internal coordination is still a significant factor in office moving stress. Be sure that if you are in charge of coordinating, you do not micromanage people. Have a few people below you be in the order of everyone else below them. This creates an efficient system that will ensure that not everyone is asking you questions.

Financial Burden

The move planners preferring to leave the move to the last minute may be in for higher costs, more stress, plus unhappy employees and movers. Moving is expensive, and the financial burden of finding a new place, hiring movers, and dealing with unexpected expenses can add to the stress. Planning ahead can save your business or you personally if you move from home, time, and money.


Nothing can kill a party quite like perfectionism. For better or for worse, this is a habit that most business people have. For an office move, this is terrible news. While the organization is essential, it is equally vital that there is not too much time spent on any one particular task.

Summing Up

Moving requires significant time, effort, and planning, and it can be a major life transition that can cause stress and anxiety.

Now you know exactly what you need to do to have eliminated the most significant stress factors in office moving. If you can learn how to eliminate these stressors, you will be on your road to success and a calm office move.
