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The 50+ Age Group Workers Are Vital To Any Business

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diversity at work

Are you wondering why a business would hire a worker who is over 50?

If you gave me a choice between a 50+-year-old job candidate and a 20-30-year-old, I would select the elder of the two for most jobs within my business.

We have a high percentage of staff who are either close to 50 or over, reliable, hard-working, friendly and most of all have wisdom they are willing to share with their younger colleagues.

Workers over 50 years of age are employable, and they offer a lot of value to startups, and small, medium, and large organizations, including:

  • Experience
  • Work ethic
  • Mentoring
  • Loyalty
  • Diversity


Typically older people are wiser than younger folk due to the wealth of experience, knowledge, and skills that they have acquired over their years of work. This experience can be invaluable to businesses, allowing for more effective problem-solving and decision-making. Older people will naturally step up as leaders without needing the title. Businesses can use the energy and innovation of young workers, and their mature workers will provide the boundaries regarding etiquette.

One area in the business you’ll likely find older workers is customer service and support. How customers are treated before they purchase determines if the sale will happen and after it, the service continues to impress on customers so they remain loyal.

Most young people have not developed the soft skills to deal with stressed and highly emotional customers. In contrast, older people are generally more tolerant and know how to listen and respond diplomatically to appease customers.

A study by the University of Mannheim researchers in Germany found that older employees are much more productive than their younger counterparts, at least on the Mercedes assembly line which was the focus of the study.

Work Ethic

Older workers often have a strong work ethic and a sense of commitment to their jobs. They are less likely to job-hop and are typically very reliable and dependable. Chasing the next promotion is not on their agenda like it is for younger people who are just starting their careers or have yet to reach their pinnacle. For many roles, businesses want content workers keen to stay put with the company for months, if not years.


Older workers are often more loyal to their employers and may be more likely to stay with a company long-term. As mentioned above mature workers are less inclined to job hop. Instead, job stability is more important to them hence their loyalty to employers who treat them well.


Older workers can serve as valuable mentors to younger employees, sharing their knowledge and experience to help develop the next generation.


A diverse workforce, including workers from different age groups, can bring new perspectives and ideas to a business. This can help businesses stay competitive and adapt to changing markets and technologies. Today diversity, equality, and inclusion are top of mind for human resources management. Being an ageist will inevitably reflect negatively on a brand.

A fair better story, especially for sharing on social media, shouts how proud and happy the business is with its diverse workforce.

Mature people have a lot of spending power, and millennials have the most, therefore, businesses need to work hard to maintain a reputation of equal opportunity and fairness.
