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The Importance of Education and Knowledge to Running a Business

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Running a business is a wonderful thing. It gives you the chance to do what you’ve always dreamed of. To make a living doing something that you love.

To make money, from a hobby or something that you feel passionate about. To employ others. To work flexibly and the create the life that you truly want. More people than ever are starting their own businesses, or working from home as sole-traders, and it’s easy to see the appeal.

But, it’s also hard. Starting your own business can be terrifying. It’s a huge leap. Especially if you’ve always been an employee or you are moving into a new industry. There’s a lot to learn, it’s always a risk, and you can face a very steep learning curve.

Unfortunately, many new businesses fail. One reason for this can be complacency. People tackle that steep learning curve. They have a tough year getting things going, and then they get complacent. Their businesses do well, they think they’ve learned all that they need to, and they get caught out. Because in business, you never stop learning. Education and knowledge are vital to your success. Here’s why.

You’ll Save Money

Big businesses outsource or hire in-house staff to tackle everything. They’ve got accountants, marketing teams, HR departments, recruitment teams and more. They’ve got every expert that they need at their disposal. This isn’t true of new start-ups. You might not be able to afford to hire help for everything. In the beginning, you might be faced with having to do most things yourself. This can be tough.

So, don’t just learn about your business model. Learn about business. Compare CPA exam review courses and take accountancy courses. Learn about marketing and recruitment. Study employment law. Learn how to create financial forecasts and how to manage staff. Learning everything that you can about the business world and you’ll save a fortune, by being able to do more for yourself.


Another massive benefit of education is the networking opportunities that it can afford you. You’ll meet people in your industry, make new connections with people with similar interests, and meet people looking to gain experience and knowledge. You never know when these connections could prove useful to your business.

To Make Informed Decisions

A lot of decisions need to be made when you set up a business. These range from location, to logo design, to how to sell your products. You’ll have to make decisions every day. In the beginning, some of these don’t seem to matter too much.

As a small business, it’s essential to make your mark, but it’s also not too difficult to change things later on when you are more established. Then, as you grow, the decisions that you need to make become more important, and more permanent. They also become more serious. You might not have to worry about colour schemes anymore, but you will have to make serious decisions that affect the growth and development of your company. Sometimes, they’ll be make or break.

If you want to be able to make the right ones, it’s essential that you are knowledgeable, and that your knowledge is up to date.

To Stay Up to Date

The marketplace doesn’t sit still. Things develop and change. The knowledge that you had when you started up might no longer be relevant or correct. Things are changing all of the time. New technology is developed. Advancements are made, and the marketplace can change massively in a relatively short space of time. If you don’t keep learning, you can very quickly fall behind.

To Keep Ahead of the Curve

At some point, you might find yourself hiring a recent graduate, who knows a lot more than you do. While their knowledge is excellent, and an asset to your company, to be a great manager and business owner, you need to be at the very top of your game. If your own staff know more than you do, the competition does too.

To Be Compliant

As a business owner, the law is something that you need to consider at all times. Failure to understand it can lead to you accidentally breaking it.

Not understanding taxation laws or requirements, failing to appreciate the importance of health and safety, risk assessments, food hygiene and employment laws could see you making foolish mistakes that get you into trouble. Learning and advancing your knowledge in these areas can ensure you are protected and legally compliant at all times and in all areas.
