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How 8 Top Tier Companies Use Python Programming Language

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While there are many programming languages to choose from, Python is now the most widely used today. According to Statista, the language is the third most popular among developers, losing the top spots narrowly to JavaScript and HTML/CSS.

Besides being easy to use and code, python can be implemented for a range of applications, including building web apps, creating games, and even establishing machine learning.

8 Global Companies Using Python

Python is proving immensely valuable for startups and small businesses. Developers love Python because it’s in demand, has extensive library support, as well as free and paid online resources where you can learn anything, whether that’s python split, comments or syntax.  

How are companies including Facebook, Google, Netflix using Python in their operations? Let’s find out.


Google is best known for its world’s largest search engine but it goes beyond that with its wide range of contributions to online services. Its size uses more than one core language, including Python, Java, and Golang.

According to the director of research at Google Inc., Peter Norvig, Python remains the most essential language. This is because of its undemanding preservation, simple outlook, and versatility, extending to search engines, artificial intelligence tasks, robot projects, and machine learning.


Like Google, Netflix is a world-class example of a company that relies heavily on Python. The online content streaming service program uses powerful groupware scripted in Python to enhance its machine learning ability to peruse films and enable seamless streaming.


Dropbox is a world leader in the cloud storage space. The service helps you store your documents, pictures and many other types of files.

A few years ago, the company poached Guido Van Rossum, a python specialist, from Google to help script the whole tech stack of Dropbox in Python. Ultimately, he made a practicable allocation of data stores linking Dropbox community members.

Unfortunately, understanding Dropbox’s class of dependence on Python is not easy because the company’s libraries are closed sources. Even so, it is believed that the lump of the company’s server is coded in Python.



It is truly remarkable to study and gain knowledge of outer space. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) plays a crucial role in acquiring and dispensing space knowledge.

NASA principally applies Python language in Workflow Automation System to alternate operation formulation and data control.


Instagram is the world’s largest platform for sharing photos and videos with your loved ones and friends.

The Facebook (now known as Meta) owned company is among the most prominent companies using python in collaboration with Django. Just recently, it endorsed Python 3, the most recent version of this programming language.

According to the company, some of the primary reasons it chose Python over other languages were its feasibility, competence and clarity. Today, Python plays a core role in how Instagram runs and steers socialization among millions of people all over the globe.


Love streaming music? You might want to check out Spotify if you haven’t already. The company plays Hadoop for extensive data in collaboration with a python conglomeration named Luigi.

Luigi controls how Spotify functions and relays error logs for quick diagnoses of transmitters.

Spotify even developed an API for Python, enabling access to particular meta-data from the tenet or design programs using Spotify’s configuration. The extracted API’s data contains information of the song, the album, and playlist, thereby enhancing quick analysis of libraries by users.


Facebook is the largest social media platform connecting users with features including:

  • Newsfeed
  • Messenger
  • Timeline
  • Events
  • Marketplace

Facebook uses Python to run some of its services, including forming great connections between network devices, maintenance services and enhancing auto-connecting service failures and malfunction in hardware service providers.

Professionally, Python engages billions of people inter-connected socially on Facebook.


Quora offers a platform where users can ask and provide answers to questions. This website is built to rely on engaging a massive community of users.

Quora uses the python language for various purposes. For example, the language helps to provide a deep environment that supports extensive learning and fast idea-sharing. Besides, it helps

Quora save time and money while also reducing its workforce.

Final Words

Python is not just a language for the smaller companies looking to code web applications.

Global giants such as Google and Facebook and the other big organizations on our list use the language for its advantages over other languages, including it’s easy and fast to write and execute.

Plus, Python is not a difficult language to learn, like Haskell and C++. It’s also affordable, and there’s plenty of free online support.  For more comparisons between Python and other languages – see here.

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