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Become an E-Commerce Expert: 7 Essential Small Business Shipping Tips

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small business shipping tips

Launched a new business? That’s great, but don’t rely solely on brick-and-mortar customers. In today’s world, you must maintain an online presence to survive.

That said, running an online site for your business also requires small-business shipping. After all, the most expensive part of online businesses is shipping and handling. That’s why you need to save as much money as possible while giving customers the best service possible.

Don’t have a clue where to begin? We’re here to walk you through it.

Here are some shipping tips:

1. Know Your Product Weight

A product’s shipping weight might not match its actual weight. You need to take into account the number of packing material layers you need for its safe transport. Once you know this, you have the means of estimating its actual shipping costs.

You can also click here to know the cost of buying shipping containers.

2. Use Flat Rate, Regional Shipping

Keep your small business shipping focused on the local region and utilize a flat rate. This is the ideal strategy if you’re new in the eCommerce industry.

It isn’t always the cheapest shipping method, but it’s competitive and easy to understand. It’s also worth noting that these services will also give you a box, saving some money.

3. Try Shipping Software

Even the smallest and newest businesses can reap the benefits of shipping software. It’s a great tool since you can buy shipping or postage at a discounted price online. There are also features like marketplace integration and better tracking systems.

4. Represent Your Brand with the Box

When sending your shipments, you’re telling your customers about your business. That’s why your shipping label and box should represent what your brand is all about. That means you shouldn’t reuse all the packages sent to your business.

5. Doing Business Includes Shipping Costs

You’ll lose money on some customers due to a lot of reasons. But it’s more important to profit from most of your sales. Think of shipping as a weekly or monthly process rather than focusing on each order.

6. Avoid Relying on One Carrier

An alternative is to choose the best carrier for each order instead of locking yourself with a single page. It’s labor-intensive but will save you money since you’ll avoid incurring additional fees. For example, USPS won’t charge residential fees, while FedEx and UPS do.

7. Use Zone Skipping

This consolidation service brings all packages to all recipients within the same zone. This will bring down the cost of shipping for each parcel. It isn’t ideal for express shipments, but it helps you save a lot on general shipping.

Use Small Business Shipping Today!

If you’re a small business, don’t hesitate to look for many ways to save on shipping. It will help ensure that your business stays afloat for a long time. These tips are great for getting started, but you can search for more as needed.

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