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Why You Need to Make Employee Wellbeing a Priority

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Chronic stress can lead to various health complications and, more importantly, for employers, the risk of burn out.

A simple solution might be to let go of an employee who is going through such a problem. However, there are more pragmatic solutions out there. Mental health is becoming increasingly important in today’s society, and yet modern life has never been more antithesis to mental wellbeing.

Take the United Kingdom, for example. An approximate 300,000 British workers lose their jobs every year due to health-related absences, but what this means for their employers is an annual £42 billion GBP ($55 billion USD) to be lost in revenue.

Revenue loss and employee retention are tightly tied, and as wellness becomes increasingly prioritized by today’s workforce, so too will the responsibilities that employers must take on.

Taking care of your employee’s well-being does not mean babying them. Rather it means creating a positive company culture that your employees like working in and like being in. This, in turn, will help them be more productive and innovative, leading your company to greater success.

Happy, healthy, and positive employees are those who are more productive at their work. They will naturally work hard for you because they love their jobs. This will lead to greater success and higher employee retention.

Reduced costs, improved performance, and a positive workspace are all the kinds of benefits you can expect simply by prioritizing your employee’s wellbeing.

How Can You Achieve This Company Culture?

A great company culture is one that aims to support an employee’s wellbeing. This can be done through several methods:

Improved Hiring Specifications

Yes, those you hire must have the qualifications you need. It is also important that they bring something new to the table that will further round out the talent pool you have on hand.

However, what you might not include in your essential qualifications is the interviewee’s character. By hiring people that fit your employee profile, you can create a positive environment where like-minded people can work together towards a single goal.

Improve Your Facilities

The first step to improving company culture is to improve the facilities. For most companies, this will mean improving the office space itself by using design to improve mental wellbeing. Another idea is to improve the break room.

Give your employees the ability to relax, and reheat or make home-cooked meals, as this will give them a break and health boost they need to get back to work fully refreshed after their lunch break.

Enroll in a Rewards Program

There are many rewards programs that you, as an employer, can enrol your employees in.

Once enrolled, your employees will have access to many different types of employee perks, from everyday discounts and offers to the ability to recognize talent in their own team. Perkbox, experts in employee perks, offer these benefits and many more to boost your company culture and employee satisfaction.

Combined with great facilities and a more specific recruitment program, you can truly create a positive environment your employees will love to go to every day.

When you prioritize employee wellbeing, you care for your employees and their personal health and satisfaction. Doing this will improve employee loyalty and help you build a dedicated workforce who want you to succeed so that they can succeed.
