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3 Reasons why I Think Spelling is Important

I recently read an article by someone I haven’t met, but have learned to respect, by what they’ve written before. This article had two spelling errors in it; well one spelling and one, the incorrect word used eg to, two, too.

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I recently read an article by someone I haven’t met, but have learned to respect, by what they’ve written before. This article had two spelling errors in it; well one spelling and one, the incorrect word used eg to, two, too.

This was an author I knew well so I excused it but they went down in my estimation of them. I wondered if they were just lazy or

Now I’m a good speller and proof reader – I had to be.

My Dad was a compositor (one that sets written material into type; a typesetter). There was no spellcheck; he did it manually and therefore he was very good at it. His job depended on it. He insisted on checking all my homework and look out if it contained spelling errors, or the incorrect “to”. I learned, very quickly, to be a good speller and to know which “too” to use where!

I think that spelling, in business documents especially, is very important for three main reasons:-

  1. It limits the chances of you being misunderstood and allows you to get the correct message across.
  2. It improves your credibility
  3. It shows that you really care about your communication to us your readers.

Now you may accuse me of being picky or even old fashioned, so let’s debate it! Leave a comment!

PS I make no assurances about my punctuation!!
