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Recruiting Senior Employees: 10 Tips for Success

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As a business owner, you know how challenging it can be to recruit experienced, knowledgeable employees to your team.

It’s easy to feel as though there’s a shortage of talent on the market and that all the best professionals are happy with their current positions. The truth, though, is that 32 percent of workers are looking to change jobs.

With a little work and the right strategy, you can bring more high-level, senior employees into your company and keep them around long-term.

Read on to learn about 10 effective recruitment steps you can take today.

1. Establish a Shared Vision

Start by meeting with the other senior members of your team and having a conversation with them about the kind of person you want to hire. Listen to what everyone is looking for in a new employee and take that into account.

If you spend time establishing a shared vision for your new employee, it’ll be easier for that person to fit into the company once you’ve found them. This, in turn, helps to ensure that that person will stick around long-term and be willing to contribute to the business.

2. Offer More

In order to attract the right people to your team, you have to offer them something that’s more attractive than what they’re already receiving. Think beyond salary, too.

What else can you give them that their other employer isn’t? Will they be enticed by a more flexible schedule? More vacation time? More opportunities to lead their own team?

Remember, people look at more than just their potential salary when they think about switching jobs.

3. Learn More About Their Ideas

When you’re interviewing potential new hires, spend some time talking to them about their ideas for the company.

What kind of steps would they take to help your business grow and improve? Do they have any creative ideas or visions that you haven’t thought of before? What do they bring to the table that separates them from other candidates?

4. Be Patient

It’s easy to want to rush the hiring process, especially if you feel that your business is starting to flounder and could benefit from new talent. Remember, though, that rushing to hire someone might end up backfiring later on.

If you don’t do your due diligence when looking for the right employee, you might end up spending more money and time replacing them shortly after you’ve brought them on.

5. Think About Personality

Pay attention to the candidate’s personality as well as their work accomplishments. Are they someone you like? Are they someone you want to spend time with on a regular basis?

If you’re bringing on a new senior-level employee, you’re probably going to be seeing them a lot. They ought to be someone you can tolerate and are willing to collaborate with.

6. Consider Your Work Culture

In addition to thinking about how you get along with this person, think about how they’ll fit into the culture of your business, too.

Will their behavior and personality align with the culture you’ve worked to cultivate, or is it possible they’ll end up creating a toxic environment that’s bad for your other employees?

You may be looking to bring in new senior-level workers, but that shouldn’t come at the expense of your lower-level team members.

7. Set Clear Expectations

Always be clear when you’re explaining the position to each potential new hire.

Let them know right up front what you expect from them and what they can expect when they join your team. This will help to eliminate confusion and weed out a lot of candidates who might not be a good fit for the job or your workplace in general.

8. Go Beyond Email

Email can be a useful tool when you want to get in touch with a potential new hire.

There are plenty of other, more effective methods of communication, though. Sometimes, you can make a better impression when you reach out over the phone or in-person.

A candidate might feel more inclined to take the leap and join your company if they see that you value them enough to move beyond email and make contact in a more personal way.

9. Always Check References

A person might seem like the perfect candidate on paper, and they may even have a good reputation within your professional circles.

It’s best to dig a little deeper before you bring them on as a member of your team, though. Check their references and make sure they’re really as good as they seem.

This might seem like a tedious step when hiring a senior-level employee, but it really can make a difference.

10. Promote the Position

Finally, make sure you’re promoting the open position in the right places.

Make use of popular online job boards and social platforms like LinkedIn. You also ought to make sure you’re optimizing the job posting to ensure it earns a high search engine ranking.

The more effort you put into sharing the job listing in the right places, the easier it will be for you to attract the kind of candidate that fits everyone’s vision. These tips work no matter what kind of employee you’re looking to hire.

Start Hiring Senior Employees Today

As you can see, there’s a lot you can do to ensure you’re attracting talented, experienced senior employees to your company.

If you keep these recruitment strategies in mind, it’ll be much easier for you to bring on the right people and continue to grow your business.

Do you need more advice on hiring employees? What about keeping them around and preventing them from jumping ship to join another company?

Don’t forget to check out the Management section of our site today for more helpful information on this subject.
